immune system
My immune system is not as strong as it ought to be.
sb’s immune system (= they system which keeps your body healthy )
Some drugs can damage the immune system.
Professor Murray believes the root of the problem lies in a fault with the child's immune cells in the brain.
When triggered, the alarm seems to call in squads of immune cells that surround tuberculosis bacteria and keep them from spreading.
Since receiving the baboon marrow, Getty has had moderate increases in his immune cell numbers, Deeks said.
Among the discoveries made in psychoneuroimmunology is that stressful events can make the immune cells far less responsive to infection.
The children now have normal immune cell counts and live at home, without treatment.
Conversely, mediators produced by immune cells can influence nerve cells - histamine and prostaglandins both have this effect.
Cryptosporidium is a cause of chronic diarrhoea and a proximal small intestinal mucosal enteropathy in children without immune deficiency .
Their resistance developed too rapidly and disappeared long before ordinary immune reactions could appear.
Many patients have a strong family history of allergies, which are genetic and involve excessive immune reaction .
Its cause is unknown, although it may be linked to a very long-delayed immune reaction to a virus infection years previously.
It is known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit, so we have proceeded cautiously.
Because histoplasmosis can mount an immune response , skin tests are often done.
Discussion Coeliac disease probably represents an aberrant immune response by antigen specific T cells of the small intestine to certain cereal peptides.
Hence the delay between the onset of flu and the immune response that cures it.
Although H pylori does not invade the mucosa, bacterial proteins may activate monocytes with a local T-cell mediated immune response .
This immune response leads to the destruction of the beta cells that make insulin.
It is possible, however, that synthetic chemicals might affect the immune response in some way.
The site of the original interaction between antigen and the immune system presumably determines the distribution of the granulomatous inflammation seen.
People with normal, healthy immune systems generally can fight off enterococcus without drugs, and might not even feel sick.
All allergies are inappropriate responses by the body's immune system to a substance which is not normally harmful.
Qigong is said to improve the immune system and restore physical energy.
For instance, one medication, derived from bitter almonds, claims to boost the immune system .
Now they know a two-pronged approach is needed: blocking the virus and rebuilding the damaged immune system .
Carly suffers from an immune system deficiency which killed her 14-month-old brother Greig four days before she was born.
The third is an immune system , used only by the descendants of reptiles.
As intriguing as these results are, much remains unclear about the impact of low doses of alcohol on the immune sys-tem.
Continually feeling bad about how your body looks limits your self-esteem, which eventually undercuts your immune power.
From that fate no trader was immune .
I thought hard about my actual immune system and the white cells of which it is largely composed.
Their immune systems are so damaged that colds and bugs which normally take a few days to clear can take weeks or months.
These cells form part of the immune system and help to prevent the body from getting diseases.
Thus, there is some suggestion of variation in the immune response within Crohn's disease.
What happens to your body then is that feelings of helplessness and hopelessness soon translate into depressed immune function.