Meaning of INCLUDE in English



a collection includes sth

The collection includes paintings both in oils and in watercolours.

contain/include an example

The exhibition also contains some examples of his book illustrations.

facilities include sth

The centre’s facilities include an outdoor swimming pool.

Service is included (= the charge for paying the people who serve you is included )

Service is included in your bill .




The system also includes BRS/Demon, a data entry editor.

In addition to big party donors, guests also included community leaders, elected officials and business executives.

An ideological viewpoint also includes values.

They also include products whose values are linked to, or derived from, movements in exchange rates or stock markets.

Also included is a plot of the time of peak of body temperature on successive days.

The package also includes initial training and 24 hour telephone support.

The image will also include some indication of the time, place and emotional tone associated with the experience.

It also includes the generally accepted mind-body or psychosomatic influence of each oil.



For example , Round 1 included one cake made with the original sour cream.

Nineteenth- and twentieth-century examples may also be included where appropriate.

Some examples include frustration over work, an argument with a spouse, and celebration of a baseball game win.

Modern examples of those classes include starfish, spiders, worms, snails and eels.

An example Investment Overview is included at 1103.1.


His sample of groups thus includes those that are subordinate plus those that are dominant yet who remain in the minority.

The group included Mayor Owen McAleer and two prominent members of the water commission.

The first group will include a choreographer, two sculptors, two photographers, an architect and a writer.

This group includes the Pontederiaceae such as Eitchhornia and Heteranthera.

They also prepare financial reports for nonmanagement groups , including stockholders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities.

The latter group includes mosaics which feature saltire designs or designs based on patterns of interlaced squares. 2.

Other strong groups included precious metals and oil, both groups building on recent gains.


The list also includes Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente.

The list of departing senators includes some of the best and brightest.

Althusser's list includes religious, educational, trade union and mass media organizations, and the family.

See Table 2-I for a list of seizures included in this category.


Talk and general discussion might include ideas of number , shape and comparisons.

And that was a peculiar job from that point of view, because it included an unusually large number of fifty-dollar bills.

Each handbook also includes a number of additional assessments.

His initiatives in the field of transport policy have included a number of environmental strands.

The Houston group, he argues, included runners from a number of clubs, an infraction of Guinness rules.

The specifications include a number of new modules which we are currently developing.

His experience in retail and shopping centre management includes managing a number of shopping centres in New Zealand.


The price includes bed and breakfast.

The undisclosed purchase price would include using the Micropolis name, leaving the Chatsworth-based firm to search for a new one.

There is room service and airconditioning. Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast.

The price list is included with the breakfast menu.

The full board arrangement is very good value. Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast.

The price includes air transportation, hotels, some meals and guides.

This special offer price includes post and packing and is only available until the end of August.

Twins have a balcony and some have side view. Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast.


Encina services include two-phase commit, a structured file server, a transaction monitor and client-to-host communications.

Echo Sten-Tel's primary service area includes North Dakota and Minnesota.

Broadband services will include video-on-demand, home shopping, banking and network games, he said.

Complete family holiday services include Children's Restaurant, Nursery and Activities.

Mortuary science programs include courses in business management, accounting, and use of computers in funeral home management and client services .

Whitehall officials have encountered difficulties in deciding which essential services to include .

Profits from client advisory services , which include funds management, fell to $ 13 million from $ 30 million.


Could we maybe include Wendell in the game?

Even if you include the cost of food, it's still a cheap vacation.

I have included two jazz numbers in my selection.

Our tour party included several young families.

Symptoms of the disease include tiredness and loss of memory.

The price for the hotel includes breakfast.

The price of the computer includes £500 worth of free software.

The team is looking strong, especially now that they have included Roscoe.

The toy has flashing lights and a siren noise, but batteries are not included.

Today's programme will include a workshop on language learning games.

You don't have to pay for your flights - they're included in the price of your holiday.


Early attempts to fortify rice included riboflavin along with the other constituents.

Electrical systems had to be updated to install all the new equipment, which also includes a couple of freezers.

His sovereignty is not confined to the created order but includes political powers.

Other favorites include unit housing makers Nagawa Co.

The sample tasks all include a measurement context in which decimals have to be ordered.

These include generating and managing reports, building and printing labels, and creating and using custom forms.

They also prepare financial reports for nonmanagement groups, including stockholders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.