the indigenous population formal (= the people who have always lived in a place )
His new book assesses the impact of Spanish culture on the indigenous population of Mexico.
This is the richest of the indigenous churches of the district where limestone is plentiful and masonry developed early.
The indigenous churches draw on the past to prepare people for the future.
The fact that most of the rainforest is uninhabited, with only a few pockets of indigenous communities , makes exploitation attractive.
Hundreds of soldiers last month entered the Chiapas village of Oventic, an indigenous community that supports the Zapatista rebels.
The indigenous community has borne the brunt of the costs of regeneration but has enjoyed few of its rewards.
Some maquilas were established in indigenous communities , others among mestizos.
Land ownership and the life of indigenous communities is also receiving detailed scrutiny.
The Aztecs dominated dozens of indigenous communities .
The law would grant indigenous communities significant autonomy in the way they run their communities.
When teachers are sent, most of them are ladinos, as relatively few teachers from the indigenous communities are trained.
This at least often seems to be the majority view in the indigenous culture of our society.
The government today is trying to combine preservation of indigenous cultures with economic development.
All manifestations of their indigenous cultures were outlawed.
Instead they are crafting theologies and liturgies that draw on their own indigenous cultures .
The many types of indigenous culture which existed in Siberia fall into approximately nine groups.
Today the region is home to a million tribal people and is the largest remaining stronghold of indigenous culture in the country.
Overall, these groups include ethnic minorities, ethnic nationalists, indigenous groups, inter-communal contenders, and militant sects.
Survival International has launched a campaign against the programme and its likely effects on the indigenous inhabitants of the forest.
Fang, Bubi and other indigenous languages .
Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo and other indigenous languages .
But for the vast majority of people - particularly in rural areas - indigenous language remains the most potent expression of their aspirations.
Kongo, Lingala and other indigenous languages .
Akan, Kru and other indigenous languages .
Fulani, Malinke, Soussou and other indigenous languages .
It is not the indigenous people who are visited by colonists here.
Investors have been a tad nervous since indigenous people rioted for several days in March.
Most indigenous people here, Augustine says, accept Catholicism but practice a native spirituality.
Leopold suggested that indigenous people must instead have contributed to its ecological health and stability.
For the indigenous people the past is part of, and exists alongside, the present.
Reynaldo's own story echoes that of many indigenous people .
Before Marcos spoke, other comandantes made brief appeals for greater respect for indigenous people .
After centuries of neglect, the indigenous people are waking up.
The comment is irrelevant and demeaning to indigenous peoples living a traditional lifestyle.
This often meant, of course, depriving the indigenous peoples of the very essence of their traditional culture and religious practices.
Plans to lease timber rights from indigenous peoples for extremely low prices were also criticised.
Were indigenous peoples there more successfully integrated?
The cultures of some 40 indigenous peoples are considered backward and irrelevant to the values of the modern, free-market state.
In other countries, the indigenous peoples live in a state of siege.
This island will be the scene of many official celebrations in October 1992: its indigenous population was wiped out long ago.
These more remote areas are also those with the highest percentages of indigenous population .
This is not catering for the indigenous population of Ayrshire and Arran.
The indigenous population decreased in alarming proportions.
The indigenous population had the right to elect two congressional representatives in special elections.
The indigenous population seemed very friendly.
This system prevailed over a colony whose territorial boundaries were not determined by the pre-colonial boundaries recognised by the indigenous populations .
Today an Alpine village with an indigenous population of 5,000 might easily accommodate three times that amount in peak season.
Unlike other indigenous species , he added, they had long lateral roots.
These gaps will be filled by indigenous species such as poa annua which can form seed at any time during the year.
Another important difference between exogenous and indigenous firms concerns their linkages with the local economy.
Juan Bautista de Anza inhabited these parts back when the Old Pueblo was still in the hands of indigenous city fathers.
Most of these were 1948 refugees, but some were indigenous to the West Bank.
The indigenous communities of Chiapas discuss and decide, and he is their mouthpiece.
The Aztecs dominated dozens of indigenous communities.
The cemetery is surrounded by indigenous plants and trees.
The food is dumpling-based, substantial, and it would be kinder to draw a veil over the indigenous wine lake.
They had to create formal societies and cultures at the expense of looser indigenous ways.