— indigenously , adv. — indigenousness, indigenity /in'di jen"i tee/ , n.
/in dij"euh neuhs/ , adj.
1. originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native (often fol. by to ): the plants indigenous to Canada; the indigenous peoples of southern Africa.
2. innate; inherent; natural (usually fol. by to ): feelings indigenous to human beings.
[ 1640-50; indigen ( a ) native, original inhabitant ( indi-, by-form of in- IN- 2 (cf. INDAGATE) + -gena, deriv. from base of gignere to bring into being; cf. GENITAL, GENITOR) + -OUS ]
Syn. 1. autochthonous, aboriginal, natural.
Ant. 1. foreign, alien.