Meaning of INFLUENZA in English





Did you know that poor little Edna died in the influenza epidemic ?

The joy of the end to the war was marred, unfortunately, by a worldwide influenza epidemic .

But when she was 6 her parents died in the post-WorldWar I influenza epidemic .

José's parents died in the influenza epidemic just after the First World War.

He was also concerned about the influenza epidemics and studied the virus involved.

She died in the influenza epidemic of 1919.


It can be triggered by viruses, including those that cause upper respiratory infections, such as the influenza virus .


But when she was 6 her parents died in the post-WorldWar I influenza epidemic.

During this century, influenza pandemics occurred in 1918, 1957, 1968, and 1977.

Germaine fell ill with influenza and the sessions had to be interrupted.

She had been married to Nahum Morey for two years when the staid Mrs Deacon died of influenza .

The first sign of illness is a malaise no worse than influenza .

The joy of the end to the war was marred, unfortunately, by a worldwide influenza epidemic.

The other large group of patients seen in an outpatient setting with headache and fever are those with a viral influenza syndrome.

This system provides direct community influenza morbidity data that are otherwise unavailable.

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