transcription, транскрипция: [ ˌin-(ˌ)flü-ˈen-zə ]
Etymology: Italian, literally, influence, from Medieval Latin influentia; from the belief that epidemics were due to the influence of the stars
Date: 1743
a. : an acute highly contagious virus disease that is caused by any of three orthomyxoviruses ( Influenzavirus A, Influenzavirus B, and Influenzavirus C ) and that is characterized by sudden onset, fever, prostration, severe aches and pains, and progressive inflammation of the respiratory mucous membrance — often used with letter A, B, or C to denote disease caused by a specific one of the three genera
b. : any of various human respiratory infections of undetermined cause — not used technically
2. : any of numerous febrile usually virus diseases of domestic animals marked by respiratory symptoms, inflammation of mucous membranes, and often systemic involvement
• in·flu·en·zal -zəl adjective