Meaning of LEGISLATOR in English





But the proposals were rejected by Democratic legislators , who said the underfunded public school system would lose too much money.

Pete Wilson and Democratic legislators is not broken.

But Democratic legislators say the tax cut would cut school funding by more than $ 3 billion.

Yet any big move by the reborn Republican governor will require a compromise with Democratic legislators .


The measure was opposed by Bush and by many Republican legislators on the grounds that it was too lavish.

One issue was how to appease an ideologically fervid group of freshmen Republican legislators .

But longer terms are opposed by many Republican legislators .

Rob Hurtt, R-Orange, whose campaign contributions are aimed at electing more conservative Republican legislators .



Numerous opposition legislators denounced the decision and stated that they would appeal against it.


A tenth of its state legislators may be indicted following a corruption sting.

Others hold office as county clerk, assessor, or recorder of deeds and a few are congressmen and state legislators .

Voters also overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which would limit state legislators to no more than 12 years in office.

McGreevey, a state legislator and the mayor of Woodbridge, just missed doing the same thing in reverse.

Gross says that for the third consecutive year, state legislators saw fit not to increase funding for Woodbourne.

Filner insisted yesterday that the federal letter of clarification has solved the problem, and state legislators will revise state law.

Insurers also learned that state legislators would act to reduce victims' rights....



They can elect legislators who have the power to impose their will on judges through one means or another.

Given a separate electorate, Harijan candidates and elected legislators would stress what divided them from caste Hindus.

Rob Hurtt, R-Orange, whose campaign contributions are aimed at electing more conservative Republican legislators .

In 1870, 13 black men were elected legislators .


First, demand real reform from your legislators, and promise that you will hold them accountable.

That tax-free allowance is currently $ 35 for Maricopa County legislators and $ 60 a day for the rest.

The Government has wisely allowed legislators to choose between this approach and one of the Warnock minority alternatives.

The law bars 26 veteran legislators, including the Democratic leaders of both houses, from seeking re-election next year.

This is an area where legislators urgently seek reform.

This makes the bilateral game one in which legislators learn about bureaucratic biases and manipulate penalties for deceit.

Vargas said the body would try to respond to concerns of legislators and officials over the content and timetable of some programs.

When legislators look where cuts can be made, arts budgets are often the first to come under scrutiny.

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