Meaning of LEGISLATURE in English





Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature .


Each province has its own elected governor and legislature , nominally concerned with all matters not delegated to the federal government.

In future, government will be more accountable to an elected legislature .


There are acts which the federal or state legislature can not do, without exceeding their authority.


Osmena, one of the most influential politicians in the national legislature .

In all three countries, the citizenry occasionally votes, which can result in turnover within the national legislature .

The national party was formed in 1980, and it won twenty-seven seats in the national legislature in the 1983 election.

For example, one might assume that the national legislature is the structure that dominates the policy-making function.


The unicameral legislature , the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.

A unicameral legislature , the National Assembly, is also elected every five years by universal suffrage.

The democrats generally favoured single-chamber or unicameral legislatures , as the most direct way of reflecting or embodying the popular will.



In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature .

What others in Congress and the state legislatures had in mind can not be determined with any degree of certainty.

More blacks have been elected to the state legislature , and a black also heads the Dade county commission.

The tax initiative, passed by the state legislature in November, exempts these employers from taxes on their payroll and property.

There are billboards seeking the re-election to the state legislature of Marion Feinstein.

These guys are talking about something that was judicially created apart from state legislatures or the constitution.

Idaho had been selected by anti-abortionists after similar bills had been defeated in several other state legislatures .

It would be to make Congress take the place of the state legislatures and to supersede them.



Executive authority is nominally vested in the President who is elected by the legislature to no more than two five-year terms of office.

And the local elected legislature will cease to exist.

More blacks have been elected to the state legislature , and a black also heads the Dade county commission.

The convention which framed the constitution was indeed elected by the state legislatures .


Nor has this approach been confined to legislation passed by subordinate legislatures .

The tax initiative, passed by the state legislature in November, exempts these employers from taxes on their payroll and property.


lame duck president/governor/legislature etc


the Florida State Legislature


A manager with a hefty budget supplied entirely by the legislature will act much like a teenager with a hefty allowance.

An act of the legislature is superior in authority to any court of law.

Each state has its own constitution, and a legislature and government with wide-ranging powers.

He became a nationally prominent horse breeder, fostered charities, sat on corporate boards, served in the Connecticut legislature .

In a sense, even though legislatures usually have spokespersons and leaders, no one can truly speak for the legislature.

In late June 1991 the legislature passed the 1991-92 budget for the financial year beginning on July 1.

Public agencies get most of their funding from legislatures, city councils, and elected boards.

Whitman enraged conservatives by opposing a ban on late-term abortions sent to her by the state legislature .

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