They may simply go ahead and expand credit, and accept a lower liquidity ratio.
Banks therefore require to hold a lower liquidity ratio, and can create more credit.
The banks have tended to choose a lower liquidity ratio over the years, and certainly a lower cash ratio.
Banks choosing to operate with a lower liquidity ratio could be prevented by the authorities imposing statutory reserve requirements on banks.
Banks, being prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio, were only too pleased to supply the credit being demanded.
The liquidity preference curve will tend to be less elastic.
A rising yield curve can be explained by liquidity preference theory.
Are shoppers somehow at fault if they have no concept of liquidity preference ?
This is simply the result of a downward sloping liquidity preference curve.
The phenomenon of liquidity preference can find no place in a model that admits of only one asset, fiat money.
The more elastic the liquidity preference curve, the more idle balances will fall.
Banks' liquidity ratio may vary Banks may choose a different liquidity ratio.
They may simply go ahead and expand credit, and accept a lower liquidity ratio .
An example of a statutory liquidity ratio was the minimum 121/2 percent reserve assets ratio imposed on banks from 1971 to 1981.
The ratio of an institution's liquid assets to illiquid assets is known as its liquidity ratio.
If a financial institution's liquidity ratio is too high, it will make too little profit.
Profitability High liquidity ratios indicate short-term financial strength but do not measure efficiency of utilization of resources.
In other words, the banks operate a 10 percent liquidity ratio .
And banks now provide almost as much liquidity for private securities as for public ones.
The agency says it relied on a government commitment to provide liquidity , but the government reneged.
The attempt to reduce liquidity in the economy through high real interest rates was the government's main mistake.
Since bills are a reserve of banks, this too will reduce banks' liquidity .
Open-market operations should therefore be much more effective in reducing general liquidity than in reducing the monetary base.
In all three cases net sterling payments to the government's accounts at the Bank reduce market liquidity .
Buyers are temporarily too liquid and therefore wish to reduce liquidity by buying.
But they must always have sufficient liquidity to cover the possibility of any withdrawals.
In order of priority, these criteria are safety, liquidity , and yield.
The attraction of options and futures, our specialty item, was that they offered both liquidity and fantastic leverage.
The balance of items in this range is influenced by two important considerations: profitability and liquidity .
The incentive to borrow was raised still further by a reduction in the costs of bankruptcy and an increase in market liquidity .
The second liquidity need is the same liquidity need that individuals have-firms need to maintain some cash balances to meet unexpected emergencies.
Thus far we have seen that current assets are listed in order of liquidity , or nearness to cash.