Meaning of LIVEN in English





With its decorative evergreen leaves, this plant will liven up shaded areas.

So why not liven up your current office or even trade off work spaces with colleagues from time to time?

A good sound board, for example, will really liven up your games and multimedia applications.

A couple of locals, Benjamin Stewart and Maedell Dixon, liven up the minor parts of the doctor and his wife.

Great for livening up otherwise boring presentations.

But nowadays there are many opportunities for livening up your presentation with audio visual aids.

Occasional regattas liven up the local sailing.

A life-story can often liven up what has become a very dry and even boring area of social research.


A couple of locals, Benjamin Stewart and Maedell Dixon, liven up the minor parts of the doctor and his wife.

A good sound board, for example, will really liven up your games and multimedia applications.

And when I try to liven it up for you, you go back on me.

So what can you do to liven the place up in, like, an hour?

So why not liven up your current office or even trade off work spaces with colleagues from time to time?

With its decorative evergreen leaves, this plant will liven up shaded areas.

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