Meaning of MARINATE in English



Alternatively, make the sauce in advance and marinate the ribs for a couple of hours, turning often.

It might be dressed with salsa, marinated in soy sauce, stuffed with cheese or laced with peanut butter.

Meanwhile, marinate the almonds, sultanas and peel in the rum for 30 minutes.

So far the list contains: marine biology, the Maritime Center, the Ancient Mariner, submarine, and marinating.

Sprinkle the Kirsch over the fruit and place in a refrigerator for at least 12 hours to marinate .

Tenderise the meat of older hare and develop its flavour by marinating it in oil, wine and wine vinegar.

The fajita began life in South Texas as humble skirt steak, marinated and served in a tortilla.

These beauties leaned against herbed couscous moistened with diced tomatoes, kalamata olives and marinated red onions, an unexpectedly successful combination.

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