Meaning of MATERIALISM in English





It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.

Marx's philosophy of history is dialectical materialism .


For by far the greater part, the aesthetic is bracketed in the name of a robust historical materialism .

None the less, three views consistent with historical materialism can be found in diverse works by Marx and Engels.

In this respect Bukharin's grasp and use of historical materialism was superior to that of Preobrazhensky.

In this basic sense both historical materialism and Marxist political economy are undeniably structuralist.

But a tame aesthetic is no friend of historical materialism .

Implicit in this historical materialism is a view of man and an explanation of the human condition.

An unpredictable aesthetic, it could be said, is a requirement of an historical materialism adequate to its political task.


As such, it competes with other metaphysical theories like materialism .

Graham also encouraged people to turn away from materialism and instead focus on what he said really matters: the spiritual.

His main target was vanity, and how materialism has put a brake on the human race.

In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.

In these lovely days, still unspoilt by materialism and television, there was always a singer.

Our high desires for spiritual reality are transmuted into the sordid quest for consumerism and materialism .

This criticism of materialism is seen in all his teaching.

What a challenge to a life that is caught in the whirlpool of materialism !

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