Meaning of METTLE in English





He was an outstanding fighter pilot who proved his mettle in a variety of tough assignments, including two wars.

Townsend boys got into City almost automatically; they had already proved their mettle .

As a land-development specialist for the Bureau, Dominy proved his mettle quickly.


Variations in response put you on your mettle .


It is in the treatment of the upper torso that the artist really shows his mettle .


If Labour wins on Thursday, it is likely that the markets will test the mettle of Mr Smith.

You are pleased with yourself for venturing, testing your mettle .

The result is a sort of upscale Hemingway-esque story about affluent, pampered men testing their mettle .

The best place to test a motorcycle's mettle is on a twisty mountain road.

Graham led a lovely rib, slabby and clean, though it didn't test our mettle too severely.

Crises will strew his path to test his mettle .


Frazer's disciple, Malinowski, was of a very different mettle .

He was an outstanding fighter pilot who proved his mettle in a variety of tough assignments, including two wars.

Houston is the only team with proven playoff mettle .

It is in the treatment of the upper torso that the artist really shows his mettle .

Louis Armstrong and Bunny Berigan may have been trumpet talents of a similar mettle but there the resemblance stopped.

The result is a sort of upscale Hemingway-esque story about affluent, pampered men testing their mettle .

You are pleased with yourself for venturing, testing your mettle .

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