Meaning of MICROORGANISM in English



Although none of these rocks contain fossils of shelled organisms, some of them do include fossils of single-celled microorganisms.

Culturing microorganisms offers a highly efficient means of producing high-protein food supplements for a hungry world of the future.

Ingestion is another means by which microorganisms gain entry to the body.

The key is to get the temperature to 155 to 160 F to kill any harmful microorganisms.

The new system can detect the presence of dangerous but invisible microorganisms like salmonella and e. coil bacteria.

Then microorganisms and worms go to work eating the mixture and encouraging the decomposition that turns spoils into soil.

This is a result of the fact that only a partial 16S sequence is available for these two cytoplasmic incompatibility microorganisms.

Work involving contact with microorganisms, both in the laboratory and the mortuary setting, also puts staff at risk.

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