a miserable existence (= very unpleasant )
The refugees had to endure a miserable existence in the desert.
You may be as miserable as the people who write to me about losing their jobs.
The truth of it was, as miserable as things were, I just wanted to say I had been there.
Laugh ... laughs with ... Weep ... alone. 10. As miserable as ... 21.
I wondered if there was another child in all those windows or all the world who felt as miserable as I did.
Her life has been quite as miserable as your Isabel's, I fear.
The Siege of Chattanooga had at least one very unusual aspect: Many of the besiegers were as miserable as the besieged.
Pam is about as miserable a person as anyone trotting around London can be.
I never thought I was soon to see just how miserable the peoples of the earth can make life for themselves.
It lets me forget how miserable my life is.
Can't you see how miserable he is, how difficult all this is for him?
Again, I was moved that he should have perceived how miserable an exile to the Persian Gulf would have been.
The engines were just up there and their noise prevented us from thinking about how miserable it all might be.
January, when most results are announced, will be more miserable than ever-particularly if consumer sentiment continues to deteriorate.
At Forty-second Street stand the twin apartment towers of Manhattan Plaza, grim reminders of two more miserable affairs.
Bathsheba was watching his expression closely, and she had never been more miserable .
The funeral of an old high-school classmate just makes him more miserable .
Oliver had never seen a dirtier or more miserable place.
She was more miserable about not being miserable.
She was even more miserable later because almost as soon as she arrived in her room she started to have toothache.
Every day they became more miserable .
He had been at school almost six months, the most miserable time of his entire life.
Last year's prodigy, in sharp contrast, endured the most miserable day of his short and spectacular formula one career.
It was one of the most miserable days in my life.
It was a hell of a big thing, it was the most miserable New Year I have ever had.
Corbett then spent what must have been one of the most miserable nights he had ever experienced.
The summer holidays that year saw me at my most apathetic - and my most miserable .
She fully intended to give Matthew Blake the most miserable afternoon of company he had ever had!
He felt wretched, in fact at times so miserable that he wanted to laugh out loud.
It could be a fit of laughter, Blue reasons, but then why would Black be so miserable ?
My ribs were sore when I coughed, my tummy was bloated and painful, and I felt so miserable .
It was so miserable , growing up, not resembling any of my friends.
And if I made Joanne stay in, she would be so miserable , that it would make the baby miserable.
And so miserable that she felt she would never drag herself out of this pit of misery.
When I came here, she was so miserable .
She had never been so miserable in her life.
They were finding it hard to make ends meet and life had become very miserable .
However, she admitted that she had felt very miserable for 3 or 4 months.
They were on the top floor of an old house and he was very cold and very miserable .
For some, the floods meant a miserable day stuck indoors.
Last year's prodigy, in sharp contrast, endured the most miserable day of his short and spectacular formula one career.
It was one of the most miserable days in my life.
And full-back Robert Turner had a miserable day with his kicking, landing only two goals from seven shots.
Montgomerie looked the sharpest fielder on a miserable day when tea was delivered to the fielders after one hour's play.
Over £3,000 was raised at the event in 1988, even though it was a damp and miserable day .
But at the same time I revelled in the unlovely sound because it might be the saving of my miserable life .
Inexorably, it pulls you into the folds of a miserable life of degradation, poverty, and humiliation.
The workers in Mirny are not well-off by any means; in fact, they lead miserable lives .
He had been at school almost six months, the most miserable time of his entire life.
He is having a miserable time .
Bowater has had a miserable time since joining the Footsie last week, the share price falling a good 10 p.c.
For Davenport it represented a personal triumph, following the miserable time he endured while with Boro.
as friendly/cheerful/miserable etc as ever
The lads were as cheerful as ever but guarded, like the possessors of unwelcome news.
as miserable/ugly/guilty as sin
All that work for this miserable paycheck!
All the staff seemed to look miserable and the atmosphere was not at all pleasant.
Dana was in the other day and she looked miserable .
Factory workers during the 18th century led miserable lives.
He sat all alone in his room, thoroughly miserable .
I wish this city would do something about the miserable condition of the roads.
Jen has been stuck in a miserable job for the last two years.
Preston had a miserable childhood.
The journey home was miserable . Everyone was depressed about losing the game.
The poor miserable animals were starving, dirty and wet.
Wear your coat, or you'll get sick in this miserable weather
Enraged, drunk, freezing and unutterably miserable I left to make the 200 mile trip home.
She appropriated slapstick and hyperbole to the delicious purpose of lampooning the fathead who made her life miserable .
She should have known better than to think he would bring it to her, miserable sinner that she was.
There was only Sergeant-Chef Gibeau to make our lives miserable now.
They made each other miserable , locking wills, disbelieving that the other party could long endure a war of emotional attrition.
What I had seen of Czechoslovakia was a society which encouraged a miserable waste of human resources.