Meaning of MISERABLE in English


Pronunciation: ' mi-z ə r-b ə l, ' miz-r ə -, ' mi-z ə -r ə -

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin miserabilis wretched, pitiable, from miserari to pity, from miser

Date: 15th century

1 : being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame) < miserable refugees>

2 a : wretchedly inadequate or meager <a miserable hovel> b : causing extreme discomfort or unhappiness <a miserable situation>

3 : being likely to discredit or shame <his miserable neglect of his wife> <it was miserable of you to make fun of him>

– miserable noun

– mis · er · a · ble · ness noun

– mis · er · a · bly \ -bl ē \ adverb

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