Meaning of MOSS in English





They were green with moss , red with rust.

And the old fountain, now green with moss and algae, made a sweet, pattering sound.

Perhaps four feet high, a girl, daintily made, her body stained and streaked green with moss .

Even the sounds here were dry and brittle; she longed for sounds that were sponged up by green moss .

The gravel was carpeted in bright green moss and leaves lay sodden and dark under the shrubs.

The firm glossy green water mosses with ovate to lanceolate leaves belong to the genus Fontinalis.

Psychedelic green moss and bright yellow rhododendron leaves submerged in pools like goldfish reminded me of Aros on Mull.

Here and there a red squirrel jumped down noisily, then hopped back on to a horizontal log cushioned with soft green moss .



He also advised that seeds be sent in a vegetating condition, packed in layers of damp sphagnum moss .

The ground was covered with soft green sphagnum moss , and the dampness here did not permit the growth of hardwoods.

Without the camouflage of pondweed and sphagnum moss he was unrecognizable.

Dress with hormone powder and wedge open with a pad of damp sphagnum moss .


a rolling stone gathers no moss


Avoid amendments that include peat moss , which is naturally acidic.

He found a few others: a sphagnum moss peat bog can repel the invasion of pine trees for thousands of years.

It collected there in a stone hollow, fell down over moss .

The firm glossy green water mosses with ovate to lanceolate leaves belong to the genus Fontinalis.

The seeds of Nuphar must be stored in cold surroundings, either covered with moss or buried in the sand.

These are also the constant species, together with the moss Polytrichum commune.

Where moisture is limited and productivity low the moss covering remains thin.

Wrap with moss held in place with clear polythene tied either side with raffia or tape.

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