nappy rash British English , diaper rash American English
In short, Sangenic is the most modern, most environmentally friendly and most economic way to dispose of disposable nappies !
They are the ultimate jugglers, but they have to manage without the help of disposable nappies , supermarkets and freezers.
Proctor and Gamble, for example, suddenly announced that its disposable nappies were environmentally friendly.
Foldaway slippers for the flight are tucked away in a holdall with disposable nappies and sick tablets.
Nine million disposable nappies are discarded in Britain every day.
Stannah Stairlifts Carry on enjoying life with a Stannah How do you dispose of a disposable nappy hygienically?
The DuPont researchers who developed Biomax had first thought of using it for disposable nappies .
That's why Sangenic is the invention that disposable nappies have been waiting for.
They change nappies , feed babies under supervision and learn about sterilising and safety.
When Dave sang, he was changing the baby's nappy .
Sometimes she had to lift it out, feed it, and change its nappies , thick with excrement.
I was also pushing a double pushchair, bending over changing nappies and lifting the boys in and out of the car.
He claims he was alone with the child changing her nappy when she was sick, stopped breathing and died.
Their books are full of female breadwinners and New Men changing nappies and comforting bawling babies in the small hours.
Day after day, Claire had to dress her baby sister, feed her and even change her nappies .
But she just forgot - she'd forget to change their nappies , she'd even forget to feed them.
Do you know, I am nostalgic for nappies and broken nights.
I wondered what I was going to do when I came to the end of Olivia's supply of nappies.
In short, Sangenic is the most modern, most environmentally friendly and most economic way to dispose of disposable nappies!
Next day, it's off to the supermarket to catch up with the shopping - don't forget the newborn-size nappies!
They're more prepared to do the dishes or change nappies.
They change nappies, feed babies under supervision and learn about sterilising and safety.