nappy 1
/nap"ee/ , n. Chiefly Scot.
liquor, esp. ale.
[ 1425-75; late ME noppi. See NAP 2 , -Y 1 ]
nappy 2
/nap"ee/ , n. , pl. nappies .
a small shallow dish, usually round and often of glass, with a flat bottom and sloping sides, for serving food.
Also, nappie .
[ 1870-75, Amer.; nap (ME; OE hnaep bowl) + -Y 2 ]
nappy 3
— nappiness , n.
/nap"ee/ , adj., nappier, nappiest .
1. covered with nap; downy.
2. (of hair) kinky.
[ 1490-1500; NAP 2 + -Y 1 ]
nappy 4
/nap"ee/ , n. , pl. nappies . Chiefly Brit.
a diaper.
[ 1925-30; NAP(KIN) + -Y 2 ]