Meaning of OBSESS in English





The longer you provide wifely comforts while he obsesses about this woman, the worse it's going to be.

Fashion models are the belles of the pop cultural ball: They are fawned over, obsessed about , prayed to.

They obsess about it, the black art of stealing elections.


Yet no country is so obsessed by race.

And although alcohol is forbidden, rarely has there been a culture so obsessed with drinking.

Nor are women so fixated by visual cues, so obsessed with physical rivalry.

But today, some pentecostal preachers seem so obsessed with the techniques of rapture that they have forgotten the original message.

The last nagging question is would we be so obsessed with the Simpson case if Nicole were black?

The money with which she was so obsessed was the money he had made from his play ten years before.

Emperor Charlemagne was so obsessed with her beauty, he continually harassed her.



Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich, and channeled all his energy into his career.

By its very nature, working for a leader is working for a person obsessed with an idea or agenda.


Quaid plays Frank as an obsessed man , haggard with the burden of his job and with personal worries.


We are cruel to ourselves and cripple ourselves by constantly obsessing about our weight .

Black and Latina women tend to be much less obsessed about their weight than white women.

But if beauty on a grand scale chooses to live fully, rather than obsess about weight , whose problem is it?

We are not obsessed with our weight .



People who fell into these categories were similarly treated by a society that had become obsessed by power and success.

He soon became obsessed with being part of the pop world, any way he could.

It is told from the point of view of four boys who become obsessed with five beautiful sisters.

Arax, then 15, became obsessed with the murder, which was never solved.

The media have become obsessed with questions of what ministers knew and when they knew it.

When the bones of Sheriff Wade are discovered, Sam becomes obsessed with learning if his father was the killer.

In the remaining three weeks before departure I became obsessed about the training required to handle a week with the Springboks.

Three slowly becomes obsessed with cooking, cleaning, nice sweaters and the little specks of food stuck between teeth.


He seems obsessed by the sheer potency of poetry.

It was the side that seemed unnecessarily obsessed with the dark, seedy side of life.

But today, some pentecostal preachers seem so obsessed with the techniques of rapture that they have forgotten the original message.

We seem obsessed as a nation with school failure, with horror stories, with ridicule.

It is a subject that seems to obsess him.


Some women obsess about their thighs and stomachs.

The idea that she was being punished began to obsess her.


And he becomes obsessed with this tape.

Arax, then 15, became obsessed with the murder, which was never solved.

It was the side that seemed unnecessarily obsessed with the dark, seedy side of life.

Sabich is obsessed, you said.

The intermittent, flickering reality that obsesses Gael is, from the Catholic perspective, itself but a delusion.

The longer you provide wifely comforts while he obsesses about this woman, the worse it's going to be.

The more our rational faculty is suppressed, the more obsessed we are by it.

Will the next millennium see man obsessed by athletic entertainment to the exclusion of other kinds of culture?

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