unhealthy interest/obsession/fear etc
Gareth had an unhealthy interest in death.
But insiders say he is keen to make it a national obsession .
Jelani Gardner is just the latest symptom of a national obsession that is running the college game straight into the ground.
It's turning the Games into a national obsession .
And that national obsession with the short term has come directly from business.
Has anything been gained by the national obsession with the Simpson affair?
Summarize that ugly reality in five terse sentences, then cut to the real national obsession: Sun Belt weather.
The representation of sexuality here is of an unhealthy obsession .
Soon after the departure of Roszak from Peace News McGrath had quit that paper, nursing an unhealthy obsession with drugs.
Getting the airline up and flying - proving wrong everyone who had doubted him - became an obsession .
Whatever its source, the desire to go there had become an obsession with her.
This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
Demonstrating my attractiveness to a young intelligent woman in competition with young attractive males had become almost an obsession of mine.
David's need for a son had become an obsession .
One thing was certain: I must not allow the voyage to become an obsession and blind me to the risks involved.
But she's becoming something of an obsession with Ryan, particularly since his wife's death.
But I was already close enough to the aquatic world for it to become a lifelong obsession .
I mean, excitement is one thing, but this is bordering on obsession . 1 go over to his place.
Bowman has a dangerous obsession with speed.
Freeing the hostages became his obsession .
I knew that if I wasn't careful, my obsession for her could destroy me.
Julia's desire to stay slim has become an obsession .
Picasso's obsession with death and sickness greatly influenced his work.
Are your obsessions terrestrial or eternal?
Each group would be able to campaign for its particular obsession in public.
Having undertaken the same journey in my own youth, I can testify to the authenticity of the obsession described.
His real obsession was ever with the sensational effects of the titillating text.
Not out of obsession with the abnormal; just for the pleasure.
The gay life becomes a traumatic and life-changing obsession .
This is the really menacing thing because in their obsession with proving themselves, they are pulling us all towards destruction.
Whatever its source, the desire to go there had become an obsession with her.