Meaning of PALAEONTOLOGY in English



Because of his interests in vertebrate palaeontology , bones were his especial interest.

Each of these universities has produced published research in geography, geology, palaeontology , and geophysics.

Fossils fascinate him too, and he says that he might even look to a career in palaeontology .

Geophysics is a strongly featured subfield in Durham, and palaeontology at Newcastle.

He emphasises the importance of the historical value of older literature in palaeontology , compared to the pattern shown in geophysics.

His primary avocation was palaeontology , an interest he had lovingly nurtured since childhood.

The film, starring Sam Neill and Laura Dern, mixes palaeontology and genetic engineering.

With the coming of palaeontology , the museum was a great resource for anybody interested in reconstructing fossil creatures.

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