Meaning of PAUPER in English



Deliberately choosing to marry in an area full of paupers - Benjamin might just have well have been in Frome!

During those decades bands of pauper migrants went on the tramp in search of food and a living.

Mr. Chapman enquired of the Board whether the paupers and children should be allowed to have money in the workhouse.

Some say Meurent died so abject a pauper that no papers were kept, no gravesite marked.

The fall was most dramatic among out-door paupers.

The Latin pauper means a person of modest means rather than some one without food, roof, or clothing.

The overseers didn't like working the pauper children, and having to beat them to keep them at their tasks.

There was nothing for girls, only drudgery and breeding, specially paupers like herself.

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