I. verb
a brief pause
There was a brief pause before he replied.
long silence/pause/delay etc
There was a long silence before anybody spoke.
pause a moment (= stop speaking or doing something for a short time )
Lisa paused a moment, then said 'yes'.
pause for breath
She talked solidly for five minutes, hardly pausing for breath.
Her erratic gaze paused briefly on the broken nail she was picking with her other hand.
She paused briefly to tidy her hair and smooth the creases from her skirt, then led the way into the house.
Closing the door behind me I paused briefly and listened.
Henri paused briefly under an archway, a glimmer of sadness pulsing within him.
He would pause only to take a meal in the dining-room, where he would sell his pens to visiting salesmen.
They eat almost continuously for a month, pausing only to shed their skins several times to accommodate their ever-increasing bodies.
He paused only the once, gazing down at the burnt meat that had been his friend and comrade for so long.
Astonished Humberside airport workers watched the bosses pause only to check their briefcases and take souvenir snaps of their twin-engine plane.
He paused only to shake the wet from his shoulders, then trod up the slippery slope to the house door.
She paused for breath and found her hand on the grey standing stone.
He stops, pausing for breath .
At the top of the cliff we paused to catch our breath and look around.
They would pause for breath , swear, and then come together again, their fists up, moving in.
We clung together, breathless, until we had to pause for breath .
Then, without pausing for breath or breaking her stride, she pushed open the door of his private office.
He turned and headed for the door where he paused for a moment.
Outside the door she paused , breathing the chill and chilling air.
As he passed Jenny's door he paused momentarily, but shook his head at himself and went on down the stairs.
Alison accompanied him to the door , where they paused .
Outside Phoebe's open bedroom door Rachel paused , wondering if her daughter had heard the explosion and responded to it.
Despite all her resolution, she paused outside the plate-glass doorway and looked around guiltily.
She paused in the doorway leading to the grey corridor that ran across the back of the house.
The clerk glared angrily at him as he paused in the doorway .
She paused in the doorway of Nathan's room.
The clanging made Noddy pause for a moment which allowed Geoffrey to get out into the front path.
He paused for a moment , increasing the magnification on the microscope.
Let us pause , for a moment , to note what that would entail.
Let's pause for a moment , while I ask you to imagine the smell of newly baked bread or freshly percolated coffee.
He paused for a moment , his head bowed in silent prayer.
Stop and think Let's pause for a moment and think about this issue of arguments and the learning process.
Their sparring for position of least-favoured son gave me pause for thought .
Then he paused to collect his thoughts .
Hidden hostilities have given you pause for thought .
It has affected me and made me pause for thought .
Back to the other chair, and so on - moving every time you pause for thought .
pregnant pause/silence
The problem with his lofty sentiments and pregnant pauses was that they were completely eclipsed by his reputation.
There was a long silence - what I think might be called a pregnant pause.
Pausing briefly at the door, Linus straightened his tie.
Jill paused for a moment to look at her notes.
Kim was reading her e-mail, but she paused and looked up when I came in.
Lawrence paused and turned to me: "Look, if you don't think it's a good idea, don't go."
She talked for about twenty minutes without even pausing for breath.
We waited while Graham paused to light a cigarette.
Arriving back at the cottage for the last time Ludens paused to look and listen.
Children can run through without pausing.
Her heart leaped into her mouth, and she paused.
It was unusual for Hal to pause so long.
Subjects might pause out of habit at points where it would be appropriate for them to pause when reading aloud.
The two girls paused, grimy and breathless, in the middle of the sick display.
There are ways of pausing records that really are interesting.
II. noun
His eyebrows rose slightly at her scarcely hidden hostility, and there was an awkward pause .
An awkward pause swelled in the room.
Just a few words, but there was a nod of understanding, the briefest pause , before the two men stood.
There was a brief pause , then the caller tried again.
Balvinder Singh dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain.
But there was a brief and uncharacteristic pause before he continued.
The brief pause while he slipped off his clothing was like agony; then he was next to her, hard and demanding.
At last, when there was a brief pause , Woodruffe cleared his throat.
Disconnected speech Brief pauses are required in the speech to discriminate between different words.
After a long pause , she nodded and the story emerged of a stillbirth she had experienced in her early twenties.
A long pause , then the pointer went to fifty.
Just a long , sad pause .
The presence of the light was sufficient to reduce the number of long pauses by 35 percent.
There was a long pause during which Julian, instantly defensive, took stock of the situation.
The most consistent paratone-final marker is the long pause , normally exceeding one second.
After a long pause , yes.
Apparently they did, for there was a long pause before the door hissed open.
Algernon Peckham glanced at him, and there was a momentary pause before he moved on to speak to James Pegg.
Their faces were blue, and their stillness not a mass death but as though a momentary pause in group exercise.
There was a momentary pause , and then the sentence he had typed was repeated in soft tones through the right-hand earpiece.
The momentary pause had turned suspicion into certainty.
The problem with his lofty sentiments and pregnant pauses was that they were completely eclipsed by his reputation.
There was a long silence - what I think might be called a pregnant pause .
After a short pause to watch us, she passed on surrounded by the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset and other local dignitaries.
I said after a short pause .
In speech, however, this division is marked by intonation as well as by a short pause .
Then the slight pause , the half-second of calm and false progress.
Both machines have a pause button for interruptions.
Everything freezes on the court, like some one has hit the pause button and suspended the characters in a movie.
Every few seconds, Jody hits the pause button , freezing a frame to show them how out of position they are.
Remember when we talked about the pause button on a video camera?
Knowing what Edmund has done to his real father might have given Cornwall pause before proclaiming himself the next one.
Even seemingly innocuous turnstile-exits with interlocking horizontal bars give my sister pause , however.
The title itself gives pause for thought.
The breadth of this holding gives one pause .
It is a comparison which should give pause to those tempted automatically to condemn the Government.
But it gave you some pause to think of what else might be crawling around there.
But the example of Handel's operas and Weber's Euryanthe give one pause .
The ease with which the supposedly neutral prosecutorial apparatus is manipulated should give us all pause .
After a brief pause , Sharon said, "You're right."
After a long pause , Barney said: "Yes, I suppose you're right."
There was a pause in the conversation as everyone turned to say hello to Paul.
We worked for four hours without a pause .
Balvinder Singh dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain.
Even seemingly innocuous turnstile-exits with interlocking horizontal bars give my sister pause , however.
I said after a short pause .
So if pauses are necessary, it is legitimate to ask what a speaker is doing during these periods of silence.
The best he could do to simulate this pause for reflection, was to use repetition at certain points.
There was a long pause , then, before it observed that some-thing was falling down toward it from the orbiting ship.
There was no pause among them, no need to conjure either the memory or the boat itself.