Meaning of PERCOLATE in English





The cold, bottom water that percolates down into the cracks in the ocean crust carries its own complement of chemicals.


The stream bed below is normally dry as the water percolates through at a lower level.

Occasional evidence of this percolates through into the newspapers and, now and again, the law reports.

Leaking oil and spilled water around the wellhead percolates through to the groundwater, carrying pollutants.

The rocks or stones at the pool boundary retain the bog-garden soil yet allow water to percolate through from the pool.



The stream bed below is normally dry as the water percolates through at a lower level.

Through a stroke of geologic good fortune, hydrothermal water percolates up through the landscape and feeds into the Colorado.

Leaking oil and spilled water around the wellhead percolates through to the groundwater, carrying pollutants.

The tide was down, the water percolated softly against the sea wall.

The rocks or stones at the pool boundary retain the bog-garden soil yet allow water to percolate through from the pool.

The cold, bottom water that percolates down into the cracks in the ocean crust carries its own complement of chemicals.


Ideas from these right-wing "think tanks" eventually percolated through into policy decisions.

She already has an idea percolating for her next novel.


As she grew up, a few of these technological marvels began to slowly percolate into the Dales.

Demand for these skills has percolated throughout the curriculum.

Democratic principles would, of course, take time to percolate through a population accustomed to autocracy.

Like most ideas that ultimately take hold in Washington, this one has been percolating for a long time.

Personnel changes have percolated right up to the boardroom.

The stream bed below is normally dry as the water percolates through at a lower level.

Through a stroke of geologic good fortune, hydrothermal water percolates up through the landscape and feeds into the Colorado.

Whitewater, which for a season has dropped out of the headlines, continues to percolate beneath the surface.

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