Meaning of PERFECTIONIST in English



Hoffman is known to be a perfectionist who is often hard on directors.

Mart Kenney was a perfectionist , and his high standards were an example to everyone else.

She worked carefully on her drawing, with all the attention to detail of the perfectionist .


Agnes Miller, the Housekeeper, is a perfectionist , and the linen, furnishings and carpets are always immaculately clean.

An ambitious perfectionist , he practiced each new spectacle until he could perform it with his eyes closed.

At the same time, she remained a perfectionist , equally determined to present a flawless facade.

Fernand Braudel the perfectionist was still working on the book when he died.

Hoffman is known to be a perfectionist who is often hard on directors.

In other words, one alternative to anti-perfectionism is restrictions on the choice of means through which perfectionist ideals are pursued.

The perfectionist is an anxious person, always afraid of what may go wrong.

These people are perfectionists, ambitious, hard-working and extremely neat and tidy.

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