Synonyms and related words :
Babbitt, Leibnizian, Leibnizian optimist, Middle American, Philistine, Pollyanna, anal character, aspirant, aspirer, bourgeois, bright, burgher, captious critic, censorious, cheerful, chiliast, chiliastic, choicy, choosy, compulsive character, conformer, conformist, conscientious, conventionalist, couleur de rose, critical, demanding, discriminating, discriminative, exacting, fastidious, formalist, fuss-budget, fusspot, fussy, hopeful, hoper, irrepressible optimist, methodologist, meticulous, middle-class type, millenarian, millennialist, millennialistic, millennian, model child, nit-picking, nitpicker, obsessive, optimist, optimistic, organization man, parrot, particular, pedant, perfectibilist, perfectibilitarian, perfectionistic, philosophical optimist, picky, plastic person, precise, precisian, precisianist, precisianistic, precisionist, priggish, prudish, punctilious, purist, puristic, puritanic, ray of sunshine, rose-colored, roseate, rosy, scrupulous, selective, sensitive, sheep, square, stickler, strict, sunny, teenybopper, trimmer, upbeat, utopian, yes-man