Meaning of PLATOON in English





The platoon commanders went back to their soldiers and covered the facts and details that affected their men.

The platoon commanders barked their orders to dismount and the vehicles came to an abrupt standstill amongst the enemy.

The platoon commanders shout their commands and the recruits manoeuvre into the required formations.

They are currently locked in animated detailed discussion with their platoon commander , an experienced infantry captain.


From Sfax the group sailed to Tripoli and Eighth Army assignments as platoon leaders .

I think he was so intense because he was the only black platoon leader in our battalion.

Being the platoon leader , he was serious about being a soldier first, a pilot second.

While we were waiting, my platoon leader ordered my track to mount a little patrol.

But now, you have four shake-and-bakes and a green platoon leader .

Our platoon leader was a lieutenant who was very well liked and respected.


I caught a supply chopper out to my platoon , which was already in the field.

In one episode, the platoon gathered in the Mainwarings' drawing room for a buffet.

In the entrenched warfare of those times, the shadow of the future for each platoon was long.

The General looks on as a cadet is singled out to deliver his orders to others from his platoon .

To the left Charlie could see another platoon ahead of him.

We had a whole platoon used to operate fog machines around airfields overseas.

While carrying the M-1 in the platoon his rifle never fell to the ground.

While we were waiting, my platoon leader ordered my track to mount a little patrol.

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