Suddenly the Trunchbull lunged forward and grabbed the large empty china platter on which the cake had rested.
Using a spatula, transfer charlotte to a large serving platter .
About 20min before serving remove all but the chocolate-coated truffles from the fridge and pile on to a large platter .
Place the sliced melons alternately on a large platter and fan out the wedges.
Transfer the rabbit to a large platter and continue cooking in this manner until all of the rabbit is browned.
Set the dish on a large platter and surround with cucumber, tortilla chips and chicory leaves.
Arrange toasted pita bread on large serving platter .
Garlands of fresh bay were looped around a table containing a silver platter with a two-foot-high mound of Beluga caviare.
Uluru sits on the desert like a cake on a silver platter .
There immediately behind the silver platter of Salmon àla Régence, was James Halden.
Huge honey-roasted hams and game-hens were displayed on stands and silver platters .
Spoon into a serving bowl, sprinkle with the cinnamon and serve with the fruit platter .
Using a spatula, transfer charlotte to a large serving platter .
Set the leaves on a heated serving platter .
Remove legs to a serving platter and keep warm.
Remove quail and keep warm on a serving platter .
The Conch serves a great seafood platter .
Mound the moistened couscous on a serving platter and form a large well in the center.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Serve on individual luncheon platters with toast points or crackers.
on a silver platter
Uluru sits on the desert like a cake on a silver platter.
Arrange the courgettes on a serving platter with the trout and reserved grapefruit segments.
Each carried an oval platter , and in the platters, embedded in snow, were the fruits of two continents.
Suddenly the Trunchbull lunged forward and grabbed the large empty china platter on which the cake had rested.
Transfer rabbit pieces to a serving platter and keep warm.
Use one half to extend the other log and place on a serving platter .
Using a spatula, transfer charlotte to a large serving platter .
With slotted utensil, transfer meat to a platter and keep warm.