Thus the minimum cost of a reasonably diversified portfolio would be 30,000-40,000.
This paper sets out to examine the factors behind foreign portfolio investment in the United Kingdom since the mid-1970s.
No announcement was made regarding responsibility for the Foreign Affairs portfolio .
He had twice held the Foreign Affairs portfolio since 1979, and was generally considered loyal to Moi.
Prior to the Ultramar acquisition, the Company had already assembled an extensive international land portfolio .
On Dec. 23 Alia announced a reshuffle of key economic portfolios in an effort to tackle the country's economic crisis.
A number of key portfolios were placed directly under the President's supervision in the form of Ministries-delegate.
So too were several of the other key portfolios handed out yesterday, 18 hours after ministers were first named.
Under his arm he carried a large portfolio of drawings and she saw that he had pencils sticking out from his pocket.
Jim slipped on his overcoat and grabbed his briefcase as well as his large portfolio case to lend credibility to his story.
He breathed deeply and put his shoulders back, shifted the large black portfolio from one hand to the other.
It involved Executive Life, a Californian insurance company that went bust when its large portfolio of junk bonds collapsed in value.
This is a large landscape portfolio of soft-ground etchings.
However, it may be part of a larger portfolio revision.
The total portfolio exceeds nine hundred million.
So I would confine this holding to 15 percent of your total retirement portfolio .
Third World loans represent a mere six percent of their total portfolios .
Beacon will acquire 3. 3 million square feet of space, bringing its total portfolio to 10 million square feet.
The relevant level of focus for strategic portfolio analysis is the yield required by different SBUs.
Kerekou was to remain head of state during the transitional period, but with the defence portfolio removed from his responsibilities.
At current Nikkei levels, analysts believe most banks already have implicit losses on these equity portfolios .
Most would be owned by investors such as leasing companies, financial institutions and investment portfolios .
What they were building was not an ideal city but prudent investment portfolios .
Some banks manage customers' investment portfolios with the customer and/or bank determining overall investment strategy.
The fund last year changed its charter, loosening the provision that restricted its investment portfolio to 100 percent dividend-paying stocks.
On 5 April 1992, shares in Dixons represented 1.8% of the investment portfolio , which had a market value of £127.3m.
Is our investment portfolio on track to accomplish our retirement goals?
You buy a trust's shares, which give you a stake in its investment portfolio .
Not very subtly, he raised the question of Louise's investment portfolio .
Banks have taken a close look at their loan portfolios and turned white with fear.
Wachovia said its loan portfolio increased 13 percent from a year earlier.
A bank will also consider overall exposure to each country which will determine the need for loan portfolio diversification.
Smaller investors with £30,000 can use the bank's unit trust portfolio management service.
NatWest Private Banking's discretionary portfolio management service will accept customers with £75,000 to invest.
We provide a portfolio management service for charities with portfolios of £1m and above.
The third type of stockbroking service is portfolio management .
For investors with less, it offers a unit trust portfolio management service for a minimum of £25,000.
If you opt for portfolio management , be sure to keep a close eye on how your broker performs.
It offers a discretionary portfolio management service to clients with a minimum of £100,000 to invest.
What price would the portfolio manager be prepared to pay for these shares given a holding period of 5 years? 3.
Or take a portfolio manager who has worked for a large company with 30 analysts at her beck and call.
The market return minus the risk-free return is the risk premium that investors expect for investing in the market portfolio .
Therefore, it is appropriate to start at the market portfolio and consider it in some depth.
Sharpe calculated a benchmark ratio using the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a proxy for the market portfolio .
Roll argued that the true market portfolio is a mean variance efficient portfolio and can not be observed.
The proxy might be efficient when the market portfolio is inefficient. 2.
The proxy might be inefficient when the market portfolio is efficient.
Environmental audit General property audit - collates information on a building or property portfolio in order to establish a long-term strategic plan.
The licensed chemist property portfolio was valued at the year end by Chesterton.
This gives Ronson until 1999 to achieve his pledge of selling Heron's entire £1 billion property portfolio .
These show that the property portfolio is worth about £1.2 billion at present prices compared with £1.7 billion at the last year end.
This profit is independent of the value of the share portfolio at delivery.
Investors can build a portfolio of zeros with staggered maturity dates to suit their requirements.
Mr Afman built up a profitable portfolio of loans, mostly to small, independent film studios and heavily secured.
The coefficient of diversification measures the extent to which the portfolio has been diversified .
Barbach, who has been in the market about 10 years, has a diversified portfolio .
He had twice held the Foreign Affairs portfolio since 1979, and was generally considered loyal to Moi.
The association divested tobacco-related holding in its own portfolio in 1986.
In other words, people hold a whole portfolio of assets of varying degrees of liquidity - from cash to central heating.
It buys loans either to hold in its portfolio or to repackage as mortgage-backed securities.
Several coalition partners who hold important ministerial portfolios have dug in their heels.
The portfolio of 30 hotels includes the Grand Hotel in Berlin.
Emap's portfolio also includes Automotive Management, the leading trade magazine in the franchised dealer sector.
The least liquid end of the portfolio includes high-profit assets, such as loans to individuals and companies.
Her portfolio includes responsibility for a new food-safety policy.
To invest in a balanced portfolio of assets with the requirement to maintain total shareholder returns.
The best way to invest in a portfolio of international bonds is through a managed fund, such as a unit trust.
The market return minus the risk-free return is the risk premium that investors expect for investing in the market portfolio .
Financial institutions - which act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers, and manage their own asset portfolios . 3.
For many charities it would mean moving from having your own portfolio to having a unit in a managed portfolio.
In this chapter it has been argued that the uncertainty map can be of great help in managing such a portfolio .
Some banks manage customers' investment portfolios with the customer and/or bank determining overall investment strategy.
He has a team of five executives who manage a portfolio of 200 investments between them.
Mercury is one exception, offering only its managed portfolio , which operates in the style of a private client service.
For investors with less, it offers a unit trust portfolio management service for a minimum of £25,000.
It offers a discretionary portfolio management service to clients with a minimum of £100,000 to invest.
For the moment, Mr V.P. Singh has retained a number of portfolios , the most senior of which is defence.
Ratsiraka handed over many of his responsibilities to Razanamasy, although retaining the portfolios of Defence and Foreign Affairs.
Included within the 25-member body were six new members, whilst 15 Ministers retained their former portfolios .
Despite widespread calls for Hashimoto's resignation, Kaifu insisted that he would retain his portfolio .
In the process the West may have sold itself a weapons portfolio which it lacks the means to produce in quantity.
The issue of his failure to sell off stock portfolios is also a nonstarter.
Mr Howell said Phillips and Drew calculated in February that to sell the portfolio would have cost the council £69.1m.
Or take a portfolio manager who has worked for a large company with 30 analysts at her beck and call.
It was reported on Dec. 30 that Carlos Vera had been appointed to take over Zambrano's portfolio .
Marge took up a leather portfolio and began shoving things into it.
The first agency I went to sent me to a photographer to have some pictures taken for my portfolio .
It will take on minimum portfolios of £100,000 for discretionary management and £250,000 for advisory.
Bankinter has chosen not to take advantage of the new rules and continues to mark its bond portfolio to market prices.
Beacon will acquire 3. 3 million square feet of space, bringing its total portfolio to 10 million square feet.
Financial institutions - which act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers, and manage their own asset portfolios. 3.
It was reported on Dec. 30 that Carlos Vera had been appointed to take over Zambrano's portfolio .
Professional Portfolio , an individual portfolio.
They offer not only all the finest portfolio available but also accurate advice and help.
What they were building was not an ideal city but prudent investment portfolios.