Where the foot passenger steps on to the limits before the vehicle reaches them, the driver must accord precedence .
The practical effect is that that gives them precedence of speaking in Parliament.
A decision obviously had to be made as to which of these missions should be given precedence .
Moreover, children gave precedence to the matching rule in situations where it conflicted with another rule.
The citation order now gives precedence to processes, such as circulation control and cataloguing, rather than to types of libraries. 6.
This has usually meant giving precedence to private sector economic growth rather than other priorities such as social welfare.
Defining abuse can allow the relative power of the carer to take precedence over the plight of the older person.
Should stability take precedence over personal freedoms?
This is because of his obsession with golf and how it takes precedence over everything else.
California law allows residents to carry the spray, and city officials said state law would take precedence .
If there is conflict the Companies Act takes precedence .
Statute takes precedence over contract and other legal obligations.
Husbands are usually higher earners than their wives and their jobs or carers take precedence over those of women.
Males were above females and age took precedence over youth.
But for those most concerned, other issues have taken precedence .
California law allows residents to carry the spray, and city officials said state law would take precedence .
If not, should precedence be given to new inputs or to the accumulated current state?
If the total resources are insufficient to meet all needs then how does one choose the needs that should take precedence ?
The biological fact of her femininity took precedence over serious critical evaluations of her work.
This possibility of precedence confusion can be dealt with as follows.
Ultimately, the democratic process may take precedence over democracy itself.
Where the two aims were in conflict, the former was to take precedence .