Meaning of PREDOMINANTLY in English





Plumage of drakes predominantly black , of ducks mainly brown; tail short, pointed.

So I became a shoe salesman in a department store that had a predominantly black clientele.

It became widely accepted that the attackers were predominantly black , although there was little evidence for this belief.

He said he was a member of the Congress of Racial Equality, a predominantly black civil rights group.

Although predominantly black , the looters included people of all races.

Ballard counted the number of students qualified to enroll at City in the 1968 graduating classes of two predominantly black high schools.

Its predominantly black and brown members have virtually nothing to offer a united body other than themselves and their supporters.

But none of them carries a show, and there are no drama series and few movies that feature predominantly black casts.


And feminist psychologists are still predominantly concerned with making egalitarian corrections to traditional psychological theories, rather than working with their uncertainties.


A predominantly female race, they have been known to take mortals to be their husbands.

Co-workers have always been predominantly female , he promoted women to top levels from the get-go.

The auditorium was comfortably full, and predominantly female .

The workplaces embrace factors such as a closed shop environment, a multi-union situation and a predominantly female labour force.


They also, to a greater or lesser extent, existed outside mainstream, predominantly male controlled, hierarchical structures.

The largely southern based and predominantly male rambling clubs were bastions of class exclusivity.

The principal feminist challenge to psychology's predominantly male subjects and masculine subject matter is, again, an egalitarian one.

It was an aggressive assertion of a predominantly male , working-class integrity against incursions from middle-class intellectuals and foreign influence.

First, they extend its existing range, studying female subjects in areas which have previously been researched using predominantly male samples.

Therefore, the police, magistrates and judges, who are all predominantly male , will tend to leniency.

And the predominantly male legal establishment is naturally reluctant to be dispossessed.

However, in contrast to magistrates judges are not just predominantly male , they are almost exclusively so.


At a local scale, table 5.5 shows differences in tenure within Devon, an example of a predominantly rural county.

Anglicans were still too heavily committed to an organization suited to a predominantly rural society.

This model was intended to enhance the practical skills and productivity of predominantly rural populations.

In predominantly rural areas these discrepancies are most marked, reflecting a low social valuation of education for girls.


It is predominantly white , but the away strip is even more garish, a mix of red, white and blue.

Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.

Colour: Its body is predominantly white and has horizontal blue stripes towards the underside which is yellow.

The predominantly white jury, which ultimately rendered the verdict, was composed of six men and six women.

It is predominantly white , with some red markings about the neck and cheeks in particular, and is a dual-purpose type.

The best baseball was in the predominantly white neighborhoods.

Like feminist psychologists in general, lesbian psychologists are predominantly white and middle class.



It is the first to be drawn predominantly from the left, with no fewer than nine ex-communists in the 21-member cabinet.


They tend to forget these interests when using predominantly middle-class women psychologists' arguments, for example.

Price promotions are predominantly used by fast-moving consumer goods producers, especially in the grocery trade.

First, they extend its existing range, studying female subjects in areas which have previously been researched using predominantly male samples.

These are the non-renewable sources of energy that have been used predominantly in the past.


a predominantly middle-class neighborhood

As a civil engineer, Susan will be competing in a predominantly male profession.

Our economy is predominantly capitalist.

The character Shylock is a Jew living in a predominantly Christian society.


It is the first to be drawn predominantly from the left, with no fewer than nine ex-communists in the 21-member cabinet.

Price promotions are predominantly used by fast-moving consumer goods producers, especially in the grocery trade.

Soho was predominantly a male environment: women, to be tolerated had to be either very beautiful, girlfriends or wives.

The above discussion may give the impression that this is a predominantly quantitative study.

The best baseball was in the predominantly white neighborhoods.

The compensatory financing was designed to give temporary support to countries facing short-term fluctuations in export earnings, predominantly primary producing nations.

These easterly areas cater predominantly for caravans, camping and chalets, offering the tourist many facilities and entertainment.

They also, to a greater or lesser extent, existed outside mainstream, predominantly male controlled, hierarchical structures.

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