Preparation and follow-up To get full value from a visit, adequate preparation and follow-up are vital.
The importance of adequate preparation can not be overemphasized in view of the substantial delays and costs that could arise through error.
It seems however, that adequate professional preparation can only emerge as the result of developing the relationship between theory and practice.
However, this is more surely an argument for adequate preparation than for a refusal to appear.
In either case adequate preparation should be made, so that the relevant facts and estimates are in a presentable state.
Jimmy Carter's limited experience in politics had not given him adequate preparation for the demands of the White House.
It is open, voluntary, not embarked upon lightly or without adequate preparation .
But it does lend itself to careful analysis and preparation which may well pay off during the actual bargaining.
To design something usually implies careful thought, preparation , organization, and coherence.
More complex needs will call for multidisciplinary assessments, careful preparation , and time for patients to consider their future.
There was none of the careful preparation and gradual introduction which usually precedes the adoption of a child beyond infancy.
However, there will be much to be gained by careful preparation of the selling task.
He believes that the secret of successful selling comes from careful preparation and hard work.
Creating the climate in which such tough talking can occur is a highly skilled task and takes careful preparation .
A business plan for the project is in the final stages of preparation , as are publicity brochures and leaflets.
As for the time schedule, it is easy to underestimate the costs of complete data collection and the final report preparation .
The last quarter will be dedicated to the final preparation and submission of the master's thesis.
That step is expected to begin Wednesday if there are no excessive winds and if final preparations are complete.
In final preparation for the storm, he closed the cockpit drains.
Shortly before midnight, the final preparations were made.
It is said that the final preparations owed their antibacterial activity to the phenol which they contained as a preservative.
In the meantime, the Confederates in front of Cemetery Ridge were making the final preparations for their new attack.
The delegation looked at a range of hotel operations including food preparation , customer care programmes, sales and marketing and budgeting.
The total time used in food preparation consists of active time and inactive time when attention may be directed elsewhere.
The other does household tasks such as repair, food preparation , waste disposal and moving around.
Involve your children in all aspects of food preparation , from shopping to cooking.
Where grease poses less of a problem, in food preparation areas, for example, choose grease-resistant mats for long service life.
Following the annual migration of food preparation to the outdoors is the perennial question: How shall these delicacies be washed down?
Food processors are using the systems for cleaning stainless steel food preparation stations.
It transforms food preparation from a tedious routine into an exciting event, and is top-rack-dishwasher-safe.
The SE-703 has been designed to replace traditional liquid solvent extraction usually used for sample preparation prior to chromatographic analysis.
Consistent timing of sample preparation and assay helps to avoid errors due to aggregation and / or settling of particles.
The sample preparation procedures are the same as those used for radiocarbon dating, care being taken to avoid contamination.
Circle 140 Roth Scientific introduced two new products for automated, quantitative sample preparation .
These showed no statistical difference in the concentrations of the various forms of gastrins between the different methods of sample preparation .
Lesson 3 uses the example of sample preparation from a plant extract.
The complete automation of sample preparation also increases sample throughput and improves accuracy and precision, especially when working with microlitre volumes.
The chapter ends with remarks about the sample preparation for synchrotron experiments, a subject of rapidly growing importance.
Demands on teachers, both in preparation time and materials to be collected may also be unrealistic.
An hour hadn't been much in the way of preparation time , and he'd been forced to improvise.
It was a preparation time fraught with difficulties and frustrations.
Only you can decide when to begin your exam preparation .
When labor began , their preparation turned out to be very valuable.
Then, at the first light of dawn, the three men began their preparations while Chola cooked.
I had recently begun catechism classes in preparation for my first communion.
Now was the time to begin preparation in earnest, a pair of overalls was pressed into my hands.
So we began to make preparations for the wedding.
In the evening, body temperature begins to decrease in preparation for sleep.
The present project will complete the preparation of a summary volume on quantitative Soviet economic development, 1913-45.
Meanwhile, on the Lake Champlain and Kinkaid, sailors were completing their own preparations for leaving.
This would not preclude the Home Secretary from completing the preparation of the rest of the Bill.
Cavan will complete their preparations for the game with a light work-out at Breifne Park tomorrow night.
He took me through the stages a beginner would complete in preparation for a skiing holiday.
However, they failed to complete the preparation of this before they lost office in 1970.
All the students had successfully completed Longlands College's preparation for entrance to the uniformed services course.
Many contemporaries believed that Richard was unwilling to wait until the two Kings had completed their long-drawn-out preparations .
I would help with the preparation of a meal for all the men who were doing the work.
If the department finds out he helped in the preparation of my defense, they will can him.
Skill Standards Another way in which employer organizations can help strengthen preparation for work is through the development of skill standards.
The third topic of interest concerned what LEAs did to help schools promote preparation for working life.
The unit was to be staffed by those who had helped with the preparation of Wilkey's report.
He knows the Kasparov machine inside out, and helped in its preparation .
It pays to be prepared - and the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm can help that preparation at no cost to you!
We also became aware that we were involved in the preparation of an article for Ogonyok.
The sappers who had been involved in the preparation work could then go forward to see the devastation caused by the explosives.
Detail is a lower-level job, involving the preparation of detailed drawings for use by craftsmen or women.
The real skills involved in food preparation have been professionalized.
In addition, it will involve the preparation of defence position papers, and discussions with regulatory authorities for registered compounds.
In reality, most attorneys have made almost no preparation for this phase and do not really understand it.
Herrera endeavored to placate the opposition by making preliminary defense preparations and by sending additional forces to the Rio Grande.
It has already made behind-the-scenes preparations to share the job of picking up the pieces.
But Rosecrans failed to keep up his pressure, stopping just south of Tullahoma to make additional preparations for the campaign.
On 6 March the junta ordered the chiefs of staff to make detailed preparations .
Like a modern General of the Army, an Eisenhower, he made his logistical preparations .
Other cities, have not made similar preparations .
They provide a thorough preparation for postgraduate study programmes and are of 3, 6, 9 and 13 weeks' duration.
A further meeting to provide an update on preparations will be held at Northallerton on April 14.
On the other hand, a broader education may provide a better preparation for some jobs and certain kinds of research.
In addition it provides an appropriate preparation for the Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
More room was needed to provide preparation , storage and refrigeration areas.
Many delicatessen foods should be eaten and appreciated just as they are, requiring no elaborate preparation or cooking.
Usually the surface requires some preparation , often etching, to receive and retain the precipitate.
However, most neural networks are not user-friendly and require considerable input data preparation and output data interpretation.
Each area of responsibility requires good preparation and hard work in sharing, adjusting and reaching agreed policies and practices.
He will require preparation of his bowel for these and will therefore need explanation of the preparation as well as the procedures.
The classic dish may require preparation over a period of two days, but this simple variation is much quicker.
Coding will probably be required in preparation for computer analysis. 9.
This imagery is being used in the preparation of a hydrogeological map of the region.
The total time used in food preparation consists of active time and inactive time when attention may be directed elsewhere.
I believe the secret to its flavor was spices used in preparation .
Here, an allergy to chloroform was successfully treated using a homoeopathic preparation of chloroform.
A vast range of plants are used in medical preparations and as research continues new species are found to have beneficial properties.
The gas was given its name because steam is used in its preparation and because it burns with a bright blue flame.
Wash chopping boards, knives, other equipment and your hands after they've been used in the preparation of raw food.
Correct preparation of the canvas for painting is extremely important.
Grant uses a homemade preparation for his sore muscles.
Karahi chicken is a spicy Indian preparation that is also done with lamb.
Months of preparation have gone into organizing the festival.
Most of the dessert's preparation can be done ahead of time.
This dessert needs very little preparation , and you can serve it right away.
This is all part of the preparation for next month's vital election.
Aggressive fund-raising tactics and preparations for a larger electorate in this presidential election year fueled the increase.
But, if nothing else, our stay in the SleepTight Room was a reminder that restful sleep takes preparation and thought.
Demands on teachers, both in preparation time and materials to be collected may also be unrealistic.
He disarmingly admitted his lack of preparation for the huge range of problems with which he had to grapple.
Judy Dunn, a Cambridge psychologist, recommends the preparation of your child for the new arrival.
Oral contraceptives may mask the symptoms of the disease but it emerges after the preparations are stopped.
They are vital preparations for the future.
This will require a proactive approach through the preparation of written comments and identifying issues which will be of local interest.