Gibbons belong to the higher primates , the Anthropoidea, the monkeys and apes.
Kohak points out that anthropologists use the evidence of worship as a key way to distinguish between humans and higher primates .
What is true of the chimpanzee and the higher primates in general is even more true of man.
Culture in man depends on the development of psychological traits not found in other primates .
And the evidence from other primates is equally ambiguous.
What now of the claims that other primates can communicate with systems in all important respects as complicated as ours?
Prudently taking cognisance of onlookers also turns out to be important in the social behaviour of other primates .
As with other primates , male chimpanzees have a clear hierarchy that controls access to females.
Nevertheless, the plants are dispersed by a range of other agents including primates and even water.
This feature usefully serves other primates , which consume considerable amounts of ripe fruit: rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre.
Demonstrations have been held at the primate centre run by the University of California-Davis.
Here we show that the P3A exon is present only in primates and man and it is conserved through primate evolution.
However, the hierarchies of hens and of various primates share many features in common.
In primates it seems to be based on social rank.
In Sarawak, travelers will visit Bako National Park, known for its birds, primates and pitcher plants.
Other primates laugh by panting rapidly.
Presumably, these relatively open habitats favored larger groups as they did for chimps and baboons, the two other open-country primates.
Providing one sticks to primates there is much scope for successful extrapolation.