Meaning of PULPIT in English





Mrs Richards views her new office as a bully pulpit .

But Clinton, aides say, is eager to show this bully pulpit approach amounts to more than campaign tactics.

And while that makes him a lame duck, he still has his veto pen and his bully pulpit .

And Clinton's ability to use the presidential bully pulpit has of course been massively compromised by events since 1996.

Bill Clinton will mount the bully pulpit and tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear.

Use the bully pulpit to make school-to-work an ongoing part of the school-reform agenda.

So what did he do with the bully pulpit that he was handed by his peers?

Abuse of the bully pulpit makes a leader just a plain bully.



And Clinton's ability to use the presidential bully pulpit has of course been massively compromised by events since 1996.


And looking tense and grim-faced, he walked slowly to the pulpit and read a statement from a small piece of paper.

Frequently he slid out from behind the pulpit and sauntered along the aisle as he spoke.

The pulpit was decked with the national colors.

The after legs of the bow pulpit were secured by a single bolt each - we hope that this will be remedied.

The chaplain went white as snow and fainted straight out of the pulpit .

The minister watched from the pulpit .

The problem was that giving a woman his pulpit might be interpreted as taunting the archdiocese.

There were already rumors that the new astronomy was incompatible with Scripture, and he had already been denounced from the pulpit .

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