Meaning of REARGUARD in English





Each manoeuvre in their rearguard action has taken them further away from intuitive notions about that exciting enterprise referred to as science.

Let us try a rearguard action to confine its scope to peripheral cases.

With their captain and inspiration, Roy Aitken, suspended, Saints seemed to have come prepared to fight a rearguard action .

The troops remaining in the islands fought a bitter rearguard action .

On machines however, a tough rearguard action was fought by the employers.

From an Arsenal rearguard action the ball would, seemingly inevitably, reach Alex.

Sefton were left to fight a valiant rearguard action after losing half their batting cheaply.

Such men found themselves, however, fighting what became all too clearly a rearguard action .



With their captain and inspiration, Roy Aitken, suspended, Saints seemed to have come prepared to fight a rearguard action.

They are now fighting a rearguard battle and losing.

Sefton were left to fight a valiant rearguard action after losing half their batting cheaply.


From an Arsenal rearguard action the ball would, seemingly inevitably, reach Alex.

Let us try a rearguard action to confine its scope to peripheral cases.

Oldham's attack had a fruitless afternoon against a Rovers' rearguard in which Kevin Moran was outstanding.

On machines however, a tough rearguard action was fought by the employers.

The best that propaganda could do was to emphasise the courage of Leonidas and his rearguard .

The troops remaining in the islands fought a bitter rearguard action.

They arrived too late to save Praag but did destroy part of the Chaos army's rearguard .

With their captain and inspiration, Roy Aitken, suspended, Saints seemed to have come prepared to fight a rearguard action.

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