Meaning of RELAXATION in English



relaxation techniques

Patients are taught relaxation techniques to use at home.




Time for a few deep breaths of relaxation .

Meditation often involves deep relaxation , but moves into focusing the thoughts in certain directions.

And indeed, this level of hypnosis lies somewhere between the state of deep relaxation and light meditation.

The regression itself took place on Joyce's second visit; the first was used to teach her deep relaxation .

Start the music and record one or two minutes to begin the all-important process of deep relaxation .


This has been explained by an increased number of transient sphincter relaxations after a meal.



I use acupuncture to promote muscle relaxation and reduce inflammation in the back's muscles.

A follow-up study that looks at the long-term effects of transcendental meditation and muscle relaxation is expected to be completed in August.

The L-arginine-NO system exerts various biological actions including vascular smooth muscle relaxation and inhibition of platelet aggregation.

The study found that transcendental meditation was twice as effective as muscle relaxation in reducing blood pressure.

Non-viable cells did not produce muscle relaxation .

Only viable mononuclear cells and granulocytes caused muscle relaxation , suggesting that the relaxing factor is not stored by these cells.


Stepping into one of the airy, wood-paneled massage rooms begins the relaxation process .


Counselling and relaxation techniques , Sat, 7 July.

During practice sessions on relaxation techniques , Patricia recognized that when she had an anxious thought, her muscles tensed.

The difference between a flotation tank and other relaxation techniques is that other methods require effort on the part of the patient.

You learn how to use relaxation techniques to relax your body and lower the pitch of the tone.

For other relaxation techniques , see Chapter 18 on managing stress. 10.

Insomnia can be successfully treated with therapeutic touch as an adjunct to other relaxation techniques .

Modern routine clinical practice however offers something of a dilution of the original Jacobsonian relaxation techniques .

Practice relaxation techniques while you are completely calm.


They should be offered relaxation therapy and stress management, and advice on diet and exercise, he said.

But relaxation therapy is not an easy alternative, the Bulletin says.

The unit, based at Dormanstown clinic, will use the equipment for relaxation therapy and anxiety management.

Throughout treatment there will be individual counselling and group sessions as well as lectures and other special processes such as relaxation therapy .

Apparently her various self-improvement ploys have included a short course in relaxation therapy .


The energy released can be measured as relaxation time .

The process of disordering can be characterized by a relaxation time , but may not be easily measured.

This is a simple, single relaxation time model for the approach to equilibrium.

This becomes necessary when chain entanglements begin to have a significant effect on the relaxation times .


This becomes necessary when chain entanglements begin to have a significant effect on the relaxation times .



You learn how to use relaxation techniques to relax your body and lower the pitch of the tone.

They learn relaxation and energizing techniques.

It is extremely useful to learn relaxation and stress-management techniques.

She was pleased to learn relaxation techniques to help reduce tension that might arise in the future.


relaxation techniques, such as meditation

relaxation therapy

What do you do for relaxation ?

You should find time for some relaxation every day


Affairs were his favorite means of exercise and relaxation .

Don't be put off if relaxation doesn't seem to work immediately for you.

In some exceptional cases, a relaxation of green belt restrictions may be justifiable to allow such extensions.

Mental imagery, probably one of the oldest relaxation techniques known, can allow you to achieve a relaxation response.

Realizing this will gradually help you to gain confidence to go deeper and deeper into relaxation and experience full benefit from it.

Sundays meant a slight relaxation of economies.

The energy released can be measured as relaxation time.

These vacations had nothing whatever to do with relaxation .

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