Meaning of REPLACE in English



change/replace the battery (= put a new battery in sth )

You may need to change the battery in the smoke alarm.

put down/replace the receiver




Six ministers were replaced and 13 new ministers appointed.

They have replaced a great Prime Minister with a mediocre one.


I sighed and replaced the receiver thoughtfully.

Slowly she replaced the receiver , wondering why did the past always eventually find you-sometime?

He surprised himself by the calmness with which he lied, although when he replaced the receiver his thin fingers were quivering.

He replaced the receiver and decided to use the pay phone in the liquor store on the corner.

Adam sighed as he replaced the telephone receiver .

As she replaced the receiver with a sad little gesture she felt her eyes fill with tears.

She replaced the receiver in its cradle and walked back to her chair.

She picked up the receiver , dialled Giles Carnaby's number, and then replaced the receiver before the connection was made.


By April 1990 the Government intends to replace the system of local rates with a community charge.

It said a single tax rate should replace the current five-tiered system .

A more refined technique called Cyclocontrol replaced this system in the early 1970s.

Check chimney flues and heating equipment in summer and do maintenance, make repairs or replace an outmoded system .

The main pieces of equipment that might need replacing in a system are the boiler and the radiators.

Geographically fluid C3 systems replaced fixed C3 systems.

At the same time, it replaced the regulated system of single payments for claimants in financial difficulties.

Some squatters have rebuilt burned-out roofs and replaced electrical and plumbing systems .


What should replace the poll tax -; should the citizens not decide?

Others have proposed replacing the federal income tax with something else entirely, such as a national sales tax.

It will be an interim attempt to be seen to be doing something to replace the discredited poll tax .

To replace one bad tax with another solves no problems whatever.

Electronic tolls could replace fuel and vehicle taxes as the main form of highway revenue.

It should be replaced with a tax credit for shareholders that reflects the tax already paid.

The regulations, which will be back-dated to cover money spent from yesterday, will replace a tax concession.



Depending on how heavily stocked the tank is the filter media will need replacing every 1-2 weeks.

For Britain, the Eurofighter is needed to replace aging Tornado and Jaguar jets.

The main pieces of equipment that might need replacing in a system are the boiler and the radiators.

This reminded me I needed to replace my shower curtains.

One here and pray he wouldn't be yet another scientist who needed replacing , and one in the West.

But the Pentagon contends that aircraft and ships are wearing out and need to be replaced .

The candles had almost guttered out, needing to be replaced , but the dim light was an unexpected blessing.

It also needed to replace the apartments' water lines and its drainage, waste and ventilation systems.


Anderson was replaced in the fifth inning after a wrist injury.

Before we move in, the place has to be redecorated and all the carpets replaced.

Have they hired anybody to replace Ken?

I'll have to replace my car soon - this one's done 130,000 miles.

I've replaced the batteries in your Walkman.

I hate to see Gretchen go - we'll never be able to replace her.

It was Johnson's first season after replacing Tom Landry as coach of the Cowboys.

Please replace your tray and return your seat to an upright position for landing.

The firm has been dismissing experienced staff and replacing them with younger people on lower salaries.

The lead singer was replaced by Ray Willis back in 1992.

The roof was in such bad condition that it needed to be completely replaced.

They're replacing the old windows with modern ones.

They're going to replace the old wooden bridge with one made of concrete.

They still haven't replaced three of the managers who resigned.

Typewriters have basically been replaced by computers.

We're looking for someone to replace our managing director.

Your car's in good condition but you ought to replace the tires.


But he was replaced, because the company wanted some one who was young and aggressive.

Check chimney flues and heating equipment in summer and do maintenance, make repairs or replace an outmoded system.

Growth creates tremendous waste, using up resources much faster than they can be replaced.

The gloomy brown and green of the state railway fleet have been stripped away and replaced with gold leaf.

There was even a church for the victims, dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo who had an earlier one replaced.

We live in an intellectual wasteland where creativity is replaced by the exigencies of the marketplace.

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