Each agreement also contained a resale price maintenance clause.
With nine petrol cars being sold to every one diesel, scarcity keeps resale prices up.
There is one particular practice that has been singled out for special treatment and that is resale price maintenance.
There are similar provisions in relation to individual restrictions regulating minimum resale prices or charges as between a manufacturer and a retailer.
Anyone would have thought I'd lowered the resale value of the van or something.
According to this view, short-termism is a feature of investments in firm-specific assets that have a low resale value outside the firm.
These goods had a resale value of £12,000 and had been purchased by Transom Trading for £8,000.
Price and resale value Anatolian rugs are relatively inexpensive and represent very good value for money.
Both have contributed to the higher resale values for diesels, tilting the operating-cost equation in favour of the oil-burners.
Most contemporary Anatolian items are sufficiently attractive to be well worth buying, whatever their resale value .
It had a resale value , even if it was no more than a few lire.
A company owned and run by Mr and Mrs Bunch carried on the business of purchase and resale of bulk butter.
For example, often firms will receive quantity discounts when they are purchasing large quantities of goods for manufacture or resale .
He also caused a stir with his purchase in 1896 and resale in segments of the Trafford Park estate in Manchester.
However patrons may deposit tickets at the Box Office for possible resale .
If you are buying a property, then always try to maximise your resale potential.
The spivs will wave away any objections with promises about easy resale , low cost finance and tiny deposit payments.
The year end 1991 figures exclude 3,734 employees directly employed by overseas businesses held for resale which were sold during 1992.