rewrite history (= change what we believe are the facts about the past )
They're trying to rewrite history to exaggerate their role in the war.
M Lionel Jospin, former Minister of Education, said that it was an astonishing rewrite of history .
Hugo, this rewrites human history !
These fossils, for example, don't rewrite our history but they do illustrate it usefully.
And not betraying the past, either, not rewriting our private history to suit herself.
James's book rather rewrites history when he says that he wanted Niki to think he'd been psyched out.
It is an error to rewrite history to pretend that they did.
It has had to rewrite aspects of law and order in order to gain support for its economic policies.
Also in its wake will follow countless problems in rewriting the law related to marriage and divorce.
None the less, Nutt said, the attention paid this case may be enough to finally force a rewriting of the law .
There is no such thing as a minor rewriting of physical laws .
The rewrite rule is an effective method of representing the rules of a generative grammar.
Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, failed in their effort to rewrite the rules for legal immigration.
A highly crafted, hugely sophisticated building-machine that rewrites so many rules of conventional corporate architecture is inevitably hard to digest.
But Congress may rewrite those rules in coming months.
Yet what it did not have was the ability to rewrite the rules of economics.
I enjoyed the writing and the rewriting .
Next, create a realistic schedule, including time for researching, writing , and rewriting the material.
He writes and rewrites in long-hand, and endlessly checks for the smallest detail.
At times, you can leisurely assemble your document, writing and rewriting it one day and showing it the next.
I was nervous but determined, and came home to write and rewrite the article a dozen times.
They tried writing and rewriting , each time coming up with dull and wordy expressions.
Ripped through that document in record time, listing, writing , rewriting , and, yes, even showing your message.
My letter was not the sort of letter you spent months writing and rewriting .
Perhaps you ought to rewrite the first paragraph to make it a little clearer.
Usually Woodward would do a first draft, then Bernstein would rewrite it.
Again, the rewriting task will require changing tenses.
Had Fernand Braudel lived to see this book republished, he would surely have wanted to rewrite it.
I went to my house in Madrid with Nicolas Roeg, the lighting cameraman, and we worked on rewriting the script.
Sometimes, without thinking, I almost pick up the pen and start rewriting our campaign literature.
They decided to rewrite several accounting policies at Iberian.
They rescued me from my predicament, and saved me the trouble of rewriting the entire chapter.