I. (ˌ)rē-ˈrīt verb
( re·wrote -ˈrōt ; re·writ·ten -ˈri-t ə n ; re·writ·ing -ˈrī-tiŋ)
Date: 1567
transitive verb
1. : to write in reply
2. : to make a revision of (as a story) : cause to be revised: as
a. : to put (contributed material) into form for publication
b. : to alter (previously published material) for use in another publication
intransitive verb
: to revise something previously written
• re·writ·er noun
II. ˈrē-ˌrīt noun
Date: 1914
1. : a piece of writing (as a news story) constructed by rewriting
2. : an act or instance of rewriting