weak leader/ruler/king etc
a weak and ineffective president
There was never much doubt about which language the colonial rulers would use in local administration.
After years of persecution by colonial rulers , Orisha worshipers only recently had their religion officially recognized by the government.
But, at least in the short term, a new military ruler looks to be the likely outcome.
He also instructed those around him in these arts, and was far from being just a powerful military ruler .
Unlike past military rulers , General Musharraf has neither imposed martial law nor suppressed fundamental rights.
Mr Obasanjo was running the country on that occasion too, but as a military ruler .
But it also raises questions for the increasingly unpopular military rulers .
He defeated the military ruler , Gen.
The Gallo-Romans quickly reached accommodation with the new rulers , despite differences in culture and religion.
The new ruler of the gods owed Prometheus much for helping him conquer the other Titans, but he forgot his debt.
These problems reveal the contradictions within the newly independent society, particularly the contradictions between the new rulers and the masses.
Milan challenged the new ruler and for its troubles was razed to the ground in 1162.
But, at least in the short term, a new military ruler looks to be the likely outcome.
The new rulers and the newly formed political societies of the post-Renaissance period lacked political experience.
A poor response from Valencia was easily overcome and within the city there was much murmuring against the new ruler .
Both Luther and Calvin accepted that secular rulers had no jurisdiction over spiritual matters.
It did not imitate the variability of the secular rulers who thought only of temporal gain.
But this quasi-sacerdotal character was no longer an important aid to the power of secular rulers .
It was also in the interest of secular rulers that Catholic orthodoxy was maintained.
The response of the secular rulers depended on a wide variety of factors, but mostly it was conditioned by political considerations.
Generally, however, they must have been concerned to persuade him to become an amenable ruler .
By 1146 Henry had become ruler of Saxony.
While there were improvements in standard in a number of areas, Britain's control emphasised the distance between rulers and ruled .
King Priam was a firm, but just ruler .
Ramses II, ruler of Egypt in 13,000 BC
Several countries have condemned Nigeria's military rulers for human rights abuses.
Some regimes are governed by hereditary rulers.
All the accounts I have examined agree, more or less, that Zeus is the ruler of the cosmos.
Both rulers and ruled may believe that some issues are not a matter for public concern.
Despite his arrogance and cruelty towards opponents, he had been a remarkably enlightened and often liberal and generous ruler .
Mr Obasanjo was running the country on that occasion too, but as a military ruler .
No earthly ruler dared interfere with the civil life of his church and kingdom.
The rulers promptly monopolized it for their own regalia and as a medium for bestowing honour and obligations on their retainers.
They had been imprisoned there by a long dead ruler , Llud.
When his worship spread to a town where there was already a divine ruler the two were slowly fused into one.