Meaning of SEGMENTATION in English





Last year he successfully introduced the concept of market segmentation into a major corporate division.

The chapter begins by explaining the importance of market segmentation within the study of marketing.

The second way in which imperfect competition can affect trade is through market segmentation .

Two key elements that have been incorporated into the pre-packaged systems are a scorecard and market segmentation .

When I was ready to implement market segmentation , I went back to many of these same people.

In each case, market segmentation offers an answer to the marketer.

When I would hear of problems, I would often blame them on our past failure to do market segmentation .


Market segmentation is then defined and two main segmentation criteria are explained.

The second way in which imperfect competition can affect trade is through market segmentation .

The spacing of words gives an appearance of sharp segmentation , of beads on a string that can be measured and defined.

This segmentation basis can be explained thus: * People may seek the benefits that products provide, rather than the products themselves.

When I was ready to implement market segmentation , I went back to many of these same people.

When I would hear of problems, I would often blame them on our past failure to do market segmentation .

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