Meaning of SESSION in English



a session of parliament (= when its members are working )

The Queen opened a new session of Parliament last week.

a training session

Make sure you attend the computer training sessions.

an emergency session (= a political meeting that is arranged quickly to discuss a very serious situation )

an emergency session of the UN Security Council

brainstorming session

a brainstorming session to come up with slogans for new products

bull session

an all-night bull session

coaching session

a coaching session with one of England’s leading boxers

jam session

quarter sessions




In this final session Margaret was encouraged to explore possible ways of coping at times of further crises.

The third and final session was blessed with warm and sunny weather so we all got tired because of the heat!

Eight wickets were lost during the final session for just 60 runs.

The final session on the afternoon of 28 November will be open to the public.

At the final session the whole group met together to pray and reflect on the week.

Tonight they have their final training session as usual, no doubt perfecting the set-pieces from which many of their goals stem.

This was gathered together in the final session .

The final sessions of the talks were attended by a United States delegation.


Accordingly, parliament at a joint session suspended King Baudouin on April 4, and itself signed the abortion bill into law.

Bush singled out the issue Tuesday night in his address before a joint session of Congress.

The normally routine joint session cere mony is scheduled for January 5.


The sponsors of the bill made clear their intention to press for a vote on it within the current legislative session .

That bill didn't become law, but Martin already has a new one prepared for the upcoming legislative session .

After all, the candidate who wins the June 1 runoff may never serve during a legislative session .

Wilson will try again this legislative session , Spidell said.

The effort to regulate HMOs hit a snag in the recent legislative session , when Gov.

In Britain, the opposition party is guaranteed control of a specified amount of time during legislative sessions .

The Bisbee Democrat introduced a bill this legislative session that would have repealed that law, but it never got a hearing.

One of the ongoing partisan battles over spending led to a typical case of gridlock as the legislative session ended last month.


But after one particularly long session of playing on it he began to feel strange.

Also, it allows you to shift your posture easily, which is important during long work sessions .

A horse that is fit for hunting may be unable to cope with a long schooling session .

Friesen said Wednesday after a long treatment session with trainers and before a 5-2 loss to the Penguins.

People who aren't staying at the centre can book for half a day or day long activity sessions too.

There were no long individual sessions .

If Ron announced a long or tough session I simply would not do it.

What followed were long brainstorming sessions that finally yielded the Foxfire magazine in its original form as a school literary magazine.


This is always an enjoyable afternoon comprising open movement sessions , followed by regional displays.

His pronouncements came during an open council session called to make the final vote for the new manager.

Only its formal subdivisions are known, despite the fact that the press was admitted to its open sessions .

The meetings ran for seventeen days, and thousands of enthusiastic guests lined up every evening to attend the open sessions .

The theatre bar will be open throughout the sessions .


Give them that outline, the feeling of involvement and purpose, at the opening session .

After the opening session we have a series of workshops.

The opening session of seven frames came to an end with Hendry 4-3 ahead.


It will bring forward legislation in the coming parliamentary session to introduce student loans, partially replacing grants, from autumn 1990.

Barring unexpected defections from the coalition, Mr Hashimoto should be confirmed in a special parliamentary session on Thursday.

My father has a flat, which he uses during the parliamentary session .

He added that if swift action was taken, new legislation could be in place by the end of the parliamentary session .

He was discovered and bitterly attacked by his former friends in the next parliamentary session .

Mr Rais conceded that there was no constitutional basis on which to hasten the special parliamentary impeachment session .

This dispute has been settled too late for the bill to be included in the parliamentary session that starts in November.

The coming parliamentary session will provide a momentous opportunity for public debate on a matter of deep moral significance.


Parties' positions are usually determined beforehand within their working groups or in plenary sessions .

Now, in an adjoining room, the staff members who would be present at the plenary session had assembled.

In considering whether candidate items were essential, each subgroup used a modified Delphi technique25 that was replicated in the plenary sessions .

The plenary sessions on Friday and Saturday were less well received.

All are located in close proximity to one another, providing scope for multiple syndicate as well as plenary sessions .

But it gave an added attraction to the plenary session anyway.

What follows is a summary of the key themes which emerged from the plenary session .

The Chair of the plenary session , Inez McCormack opened the afternoon session by relaying some messages to the conference.


Volume was 411. 6 million shares, compared with 418. 8 million shares in the previous session .

Many of the initial questions were of exactly the type the previous week's session had been intended to prevent.

Q6, the F tells the modem to restore its factory settings in case a previous session has modified them.

The goals of the previous session had been achieved.

Tokyo stocks fell Monday as investors caught their breath following a strong advance over the two previous sessions .

Figure 1 shows the output of certificates between July and October in comparison to the previous session .

Volume was 507. 8 million shares, compared with 637 million shares in the previous session .


Training regular training sessions and monitoring of all teaching and support staff.

Lindell said that if he is elected in November, he would introduce the proposed amendment during the 1997 regular session .

Students are encouraged to take an active part and regular sessions are held in which they can criticize their teachers.

In regular session crude oil closed at $ 19. 95, a 31-cent decline from Friday.

They are introduced to the day centre and attend regular training sessions organised by the project and other outside agencies.

The special session will run concurrently with the regular legislative session beginning today.

The tours are self-guided and regular training sessions are held at Bovingdon Hall to familiarise teachers with the trails and farming practices.

She had regular treatment sessions for the next two years, and was still making progress.


Some clinics have special youth advisory sessions .

For more than a year, Chula Vista emergency officials had been planning special flood training sessions .

A special environmental session of the Knesset and a meeting of local authority leaders are planned.

Barring unexpected defections from the coalition, Mr Hashimoto should be confirmed in a special parliamentary session on Thursday.

The government is said to have met in special session and put his eldest son, Major-General Joseph Kabila, in charge.

In addition, there are 50 would-be members who come along on Thursday evenings for a special reduced-rate session .

Our special offer session will cost £45.

The boycott was sufficient to force both to testify before a special session of the lower house budget committee on Feb. 25.


The issue was the subject of heated debate in a weekly morning caucus session .

The main aim is touring with Sundar tours, adventure canoeing, hostelling and camping holidays plus weekly pool sessions for beginners.

Each term students take two courses, each course being taught in a weekly two-and-a-half-hour session .

Trialling has been done through weekly after-school sessions , through whole staff conferences in school and weekend courses.

Each group met six times for five consecutive weekly sessions and then again two weeks later.



Funded by the school, seven Friday afternoon sessions are held during the term preceding the child's start date.

It would be an afternoon session , about two hours.

The workers merely wish to clear a backlog of clients before the afternoon session begins.

But she was feverish so Kathy and Jean-Luc returned to Baltimore, and Kathy missed the afternoon session .

It was almost time for the afternoon session at the Riverside.

The juror returned for the afternoon session .

It was a pleasure to have Miss Kay Evans with us for part of the afternoon session .

The two-hour afternoon session was the second of the day.


The new constitution was approved at the close of a National Assembly session which had opened on March 23.

The plenum preceded the opening of a 60-day National Assembly session on March 20.

The Assembly session ended on May 29 without adopting the Presidency's plan.


The Presidency reconvened in emergency session on May 8-9 at the request of the army.

In this worsening climate of inter-republican invective, the collective State Presidency met in emergency session on Oct. 2.

The government met in emergency session on May 22 and agreed to set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the assassination.

He was preparing a detailed set of reference papers for the emergency session of the Academy.

Immediately afterwards the Moldavian Supreme Soviet went into emergency session .

Ivashko adjourned the meeting, and the politburo went into emergency session , emerging to announce its unanimous backing for Gorbachev.


Then on Sunday night all styles will merge in a monumental jam session .

The action continues through Sunday with nightly jam sessions , raffles, and a Grande Finale Concert.

Baker was first heard no record in a public jam session of 1941 and quickly established an unbeatable reputation in London clubs.


She could not face a repetition of the morning session .

In Tokyo Wednesday, the Nikkei index fell 70. 86 points to close the morning session at 20581. 22.

They all looked clean, so that meant they were coming in for a morning session before they went on two to ten.

However, the court had finished its morning session .

On Monday, the Nikkei index fell 60. 40 points to close the morning session at 20608. 63.

The ball their bowlers used in the morning session was sensationally taken from them at lunch by match referee Deryck Murray.


The car was driven straight from a studio photo session to the world's fastest track.

If you do a photo session and you look ridiculous, it's just one day, you move on.

He had not enjoyed that photo session either, but he disliked this even more.

Their main studio and office is located at and they will be offering on-the-spot make-overs and photo sessions .


The following day's practice session began no better.

During practice sessions on relaxation techniques, Patricia recognized that when she had an anxious thought, her muscles tensed.

I approached the set with Farhan as if it was nothing more than a practice session .

Before each of the Tuesday and Friday night performances, there are two practice sessions .

Two or three practice sessions will soon evolve your main theme.

During a visit to Moscow, she joined the Bolshoi Ballet for a practice session .

They began training for the finals in January involving twice-weekly practice sessions in the Barlaston canteen after work.

His shots made the same pleasing sounds they did when we had our first practice session together.


Hardly a week passes without his popping up in Washington for some top Republican strategy session on budget-balancing.

Lamar Alexander, who spent Monday hunkered down in strategy sessions at his Nashville headquarters.

It calls the new meeting an intense strategy session showcasing real-life business solutions achieved with client-server computing.

Republican conference meetings, the closed-doors strategy sessions , have often resembled revival meetings, said Rep.

The aim of the strategy session was to develop a nontraditional campaign without the use of expensive television ads.

While most of our meetings were open to the public, some strategy sessions were invitation-only.


Weeping in therapy sessions , say some, can be used as a defence against having to talk about the pain.

He made up his mind to participate in the group therapy sessions he had been sitting through mutely.

He and other psychoanalysts have relied on dreams recollected during therapy sessions , or those they could recall themselves.

A mutual therapy session for emotionally dislocated correspondents.

He may not have lost his ability to balance, or he may have relearned it through his therapy sessions .

They meet in a daily group therapy session , and very quickly become lovers.

In addition, she stopped acting out, both at home and at school, and the therapy sessions became more productive.


Updated refresher training sessions were held for plant operators and new reporting procedures brought in to cover routine monitoring.

Parked next to it at a recent training session was Doddie Weir's C reg Cavalier.

They are trained on short training sessions run by the individual companies.

After training sessions , keep any literature or handouts together with the forms so that you build up your own references to guide you.

For example they may be asked to prepare a training session on how to deal with difficult clients or one on housing benefits.

Campese lost his footing and fell heavily during yesterday's training session at Swansea University.

Breathing exercises should be performed at the end of each training session .

I think he goes training because he knows the police can never find an Athletico training session .



They are introduced to the day centre and attend regular training sessions organised by the project and other outside agencies.

It was nevertheless suspended for three years, the brothers forced to attend sensitivity-training sessions .

Who will provide the cover for house officers attending their education sessions ?

The meetings ran for seventeen days, and thousands of enthusiastic guests lined up every evening to attend the open sessions .

Mobutu did not keep a promise to attend the session .

Managers and supervisors applauded the new approach and eagerly attended the financial training sessions .

The new student will be expected to train daily at his home and attend a club training session at least twice a week.

In two years, 35 students have attended at least one session .


In Tokyo Wednesday, the Nikkei index fell 70. 86 points to close the morning session at 20581. 22.

President Herrera spoke to Congress on December 31, 1849, at its closing session .

Then they are supposed to return to closed session to deliberate over punishment.

On Monday, the Nikkei index fell 60. 40 points to close the morning session at 20608. 63.

The mayor has called a special closed City Council session for tomorrow to discuss his replacement.

The benchmark 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average closed the session 201.88 points down, or 1.51 percent, at 12,681.66.

After the hearings, the full committee is supposed to deliberate in closed session on what punishment to recommend to the House.


This was invariably followed by a session of late-night jazz at Ali's Alley downtown in Greenwich Village.

Penelope had refused to follow her to the sessions that to her were nothing but women trying to act as lay psychologists.

This was followed by a poster session .

What followed were long brainstorming sessions that finally yielded the Foxfire magazine in its original form as a school literary magazine.

In the week following this session Rosemary Frost successfully used the same in Class, amidst many giggles from her students.

We all had to stand up in turn in front of the class and give a short talk, followed by a question-and-answer session .


As the working party suggested, a section of the Council meeting dealing with private Institute business was held in closed session .

We held one more such session with the president in California.

Read in studio Britain's best weightlifters have held a unique training session ... behind bars.

On Monday, the governors were to hold a working session with Bush.

Next year's conference will be in Birmingham, with plans under way to hold the 1995 sessions in the V&A;

The committee held a 14-hour session Wednesday to discuss a timetable of the case.

Nevertheless, the two sides agreed to hold a further session of talks in Seoul on Dec. 11-14.

The governors were holding a working session with Bush on Monday.


The government is said to have met in special session and put his eldest son, Major-General Joseph Kabila, in charge.

The School Board next week is expected to meet in executive session and determine how much it can afford to offer.

Current plans are to meet in closed session Monday and Tuesday.


It covers legal and taxation notes for musicians, as well as advice on recording contracts and other session engagements.

The recording sessions fell into two parts.

Wouldn't it be easier to record these sessions ?


They are trained on short training sessions run by the individual companies.

One solution is for Dorman Oil to summarize key points in employee training sessions that incorporate multimedia and other technologies.

We gathered 20 such women for the first training session .

Working together, the union, consultant, and management representatives proposed a series of Saturday training sessions on problem solving.

Well, for most of the first half, they were as lacklustre as if this was a Thursday morning training session .

Charles Ruff, a Ciba-Geigy salesman based in Charlotte, regularly runs lunch-hour training sessions for veterinarians.

The following morning was to be my last training session with the biggest football club in the world.

It was just the kind of situation Turner hoped to encounter during the training session .


extraordinary meeting/session etc

Already he has called an extraordinary meeting of directors and supporters to discuss his radical new proposals.

And the Press Council called senior editors to the first extraordinary meeting convened in its twenty-seven-year history to discuss the matter.

The announcement came two hours before an extraordinary meeting of Bryant shareholders that had been expected to approve the merger with Beazer.


a practice session

He wrote the new song during a recording session .

This course will only be offered during the fall session .

We have 5 hours of English a week, including one session in the language laboratory.


Appendix 2 contains a full list of care centres for each petty sessions area.

Do you ever cover more than one previous life in a single session ?

It was nevertheless suspended for three years, the brothers forced to attend sensitivity-training sessions.

Johns decided to record Satriani live in the studio over the course of 12 days with a handpicked crew of session players.

On Monday, the governors were to hold a working session with Bush.

Penelope had refused to follow her to the sessions that to her were nothing but women trying to act as lay psychologists.

She had regular treatment sessions for the next two years, and was still making progress.

Weeping in therapy sessions, say some, can be used as a defence against having to talk about the pain.

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