Meaning of SHANTY in English





They work in the central and usually wealthy areas; people in the shanty towns do without.

This was answered inpart by a number of small-scale entrepreneurs operating in the shanty towns .

Adelaida Parra coordinates seven literacy groups each week spending long hours travelling by bus between the distant shanty towns .

Last week five graves under unmarked crosses were unearthed on the shanty town outskirts of Lima.

Often referred to as shanty towns , these make-shift settlements now house one-third to one-half of the population of many cities.

Migrant families have brought the tradition with them to the urban shanty towns .

The inhabitants of the shanty towns have frequently achieved stability and social organisation through the establishment of personal networks and voluntary associations.

Up in the shanty towns subversion ruled.


Adelaida Parra coordinates seven literacy groups each week spending long hours travelling by bus between the distant shanty towns.

He had visited shanty settlements known as fa las owing to their resemblance, at a distance, to honeycombs.

Migrant families have brought the tradition with them to the urban shanty towns.

On the far side of the pond the shanties started, the lowest-lying cluster surrounded by water, flooded.

The gang warfare ripping through the shanties is fuelled by what has replaced politics after Aristide: prostitution, drugs and ritual.

The inhabitants of the shanty towns have frequently achieved stability and social organisation through the establishment of personal networks and voluntary associations.

This was answered inpart by a number of small-scale entrepreneurs operating in the shanty towns.

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