shanty 1
— shantylike , adj.
/shan"tee/ , n. , pl. shanties , adj., v., shantied, shantying .
1. a crudely built hut, cabin, or house.
2. of, pertaining to, or constituting a shanty or shanties: a shanty quarter outside the town walls.
3. of a low economic or social class, esp. when living in a shanty: shanty people.
4. to inhabit a shanty.
[ 1810-20; prob. chantier lumber camp, hut; F: yard, depot, gantry, stand for barrels cant ( h ) erius rafter, prop, lit., horse in poor condition, nag kanthélios pack ass ]
shanty 2
/shan"tee/ , n. , pl. shanties .