Meaning of SOAP in English

I. noun


a soap star (= a star in a television soap opera )

She was known as a soap star before she took up singing.

long-running show/musical/soap opera etc

soap opera

soap powder




For a more soluble preparation mix the usual amount of essential oil into a tablespoonful of unperfumed liquid soap .

We had rubbed liquid soap , big green handfuls of it, over each other.

There was a joyless odor in the air now somewhat reminiscent of liquid soap .


Clean dentures with a soft brush and soap and water after every meal and leave them in water overnight.

He's good with the soft soap , is Crumwallis.



Some of their characteristics can be observed in soap bubbles and films.

These borders continuously shift like the edges of soap bubbles .

It was carnival time, lights and siren, and Sorvino's migraine disappeared like a popping soap bubble .

It looked like a large, wobbling soap bubble .


I was still at school but at home I used to look after the accounts for the soap factory .

In the soap factory , pineapple canning factory, anywhere she could earn quick motley.


Finally, there's a bevy of Aussie and homegrown soap stars in Aladdin at the Apollo in Oxford.

Opening night here, the semi-famous participants included soap star Linda Dano and tabloid columnist Cindy Adams.



He could smell the harsh carbolic soap of the orphanage, then the schoolroom with its dust and chalk.

Dooley came into the room, smelling of soap , with Barnabas at his side.

When he passed Stella in the corridor she could smell scented soap .

The people smelled of lye soap .

It had smelled like this soap today, a light, entirely distinctive smell, a little like - what flower?

She passed directly behind him, so close he could smell the perfumed soap on her skin.

Kate could smell Pears soap and the smell brought back memories of when she had been younger.

His skin smelled of Ivory soap .


She used the soap , but not the scrubbing brush.

They had good skin and used expensive soap .

Remove stubborn marks by scrubbing lightly with a nail brush, using warm water and soap suds.

George never used soap when he showered.

I have never been able to use that soap since.

I don't, but I do use the soap to play air guitar in the shower.

Don't use soap , which dries up skin on the face.

She was using the best guest soap every day instead of the coal tar soap which was to be used by family.


Blood and other body fluids in contact with the skin should be washed off with soap and water.

For most people, the reaction to a bee sting is swelling and pain. Wash the area with soap and water.

Make sure the cut is clean - wash it well with soap and water. 2.

Either wear rubber gloves, or be sure to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling them.

They wash with the soap and ingest the drug.

I would say that Michael Irvin should have his mouth washed out with soap .

They swore, too, Ida had said, needing their mouths washed out with strong soap and water.


a bar of soap

Wash thoroughly with soap and water.


Clean dentures with a soft brush and soap and water after every meal and leave them in water overnight.

Expect more let-downs and bizarre character rewrites when the struggling soap adds an episode.

From the pocket of the shirt he took a nail-brush and a small piece of soap .

It was Zoya, a friend from work, asking Anna if she'd managed to get soap .

Systems of this type have been seen in beer production, cigarette manufacture, electrical appliances and soap manufacture.

The Hagman soap will air at 10 p. m. on Wednesdays starting next week.

Then the joys of Vinolia soap and towels hung to warm on the fireguard and flames dancing on her nakedness.

II. verb


On this day, we brought our own brooms, sponges and soap to wash and clean out our classrooms.

She soaped all of him, delighting in his textures and curves, delighting in what her touch did to his body.

She soaped herself thoroughly with the gardenia guest soap which was kept in a little wickerwork basket.

To soap or not to soap?

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