Meaning of SONAR in English





Observations of Freddy led them to conclude that dolphins use sonar while hunting.

They used sonar in a search for the voice and data recorders and the aircraft engines, among other components.

We used three kinds or sonar apparatus.

In that case, the mud prevented investigators from using sonar to locate the voice and data recorders.

There is another dark world where animals use sonar to find their way around.

Navy salvage experts used sonar to help locate the area of submerged wreckage.


A dolphin is able to produce sonar clicks by forcing air through special passages and sinuses in its head.

And, the Navy is having trouble filling shipboard billets with enough sonar and fire control technicians, who require extensive schooling.

Distinguishing between active sonar returns from mines and returns from rocks and debris on the sea floor is difficult.

Navy salvage experts used sonar to help locate the area of submerged wreckage.

Something in the loch has produced some very peculiar sonar traces on some very sophisticated equipment, and that something demands explanation.

The sonar watch on the ticking device in the crashed bomber was now continuous.

The Lowrance company introduced the first civilian sonar in 1957.

They carry simple Kelvan Hughes sonar and Racal-Decca radar.

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