The presence of symptomatic gall stones in eight patients is interesting and is the subject of a more thorough investigation.
The rate of symptomatic gall bladder disease among women of parity 1 was generally twice that of their nulliparous counterparts.
The introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has changed the approach to the treatment of symptomatic gall stones.
These results suggest that smoking and parity are important risk factors for the development of symptomatic gall bladder disease in women.
The rate of symptomatic gall bladder disease roughly doubled once a woman had been pregnant.
Women in social classes IV+V had a 25% greater risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease compared with those in social classes I+II.
This study assessed symptomatic gall bladder disease rather the total occurrence of the condition.
Currently, therefore, the only clear recommendation for treatment is in symptomatic patients .
The changes in eicosanoids reflected the clinical symptoms; and we would expect them to be greater in severely symptomatic patients .
An idiopathic defect of magnesium absorption has been reported as a rare cause of symptomatic hypomagnesemia in infants.
Anthropology has always provided the clearest symptomatic instance, as was foreseen by Rousseau from the outset.
Deskilling is symptomatic of the way in which a worker's labour is taken possession of by the capitalist.
His presence among them was highly symptomatic .
That is symptomatic of our failure sometimes to move on.
This, they felt, was symptomatic of the paper's commendable interest in and support of, the arts.