Meaning of SYMPTOMATIC in English

|sim(p)tə|mad.]ik, -at], ]ēk adjective

Etymology: Late Latin symptomat-, symptoma symptom + English -ic


a. : being a symptom of a disease

gummas symptomatic of syphilis

excessive drinking symptomatic of a psychiatric disturbance

b. : having the characteristics of a particular disease but arising from another cause

symptomatic epilepsy resulting from brain injury

— opposed to idiopathic or essential

2. : according to, concerned with, or affecting symptoms

symptomatic treatment

3. : characteristic , indicative

his behavior was symptomatic of his character

changes in the vegetation were symptomatic of greater geographical changes — W.E.Swinton

personality formation is symptomatic of both individual and social institutions — Abram Kardiner

• symp·to·mat·i·cal·ly ]ə̇k(ə)lē, ]ēk-, -li\ adverb

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